An etymological study of some words in the Baboli dialect
Subject Areas : ...Mozhgan Fanaie 1 , Farrokh Hajiyani 2 , Mohsen Mahmoodi 3
1 - M.A. Graduate of culture and Ancient languages, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Department of foreign languages and linguistics, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - M.A. Graduate of culture and Ancient languages, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Etymology, Historical Linguistics, Baboli Dialect, Middle Iranian Language, Iranian Ancient Language,
Abstract :
Mazandarani language and dialects belong to the branch of Iran's northwest languages and constitute a group of languages coming from the Caspian Sea coast. The dialects in this province are made up of two main eastern and western languages, and owing to the influence of Gilaki dialect, the more we move from the east towards the west of the province, the greater the discrepancies in terms of vocabulary and sounds of the dialects will be observed. Baboli dialect fits to the eastern branch dialects of Mazandaran province, which draws striking resemblance to other ones of the regions from structural, and sound patterns. Collecting these words and receiving their meanings and concepts, in addition to preserving and preventing their destruction, can help recognizing ancient words, knowledge of phonetic-phonological changes, and collect the necessary data to compile the etymological dictionary of Iranian dialects. In this research, two methods, field and descriptive-analytical one are used as well as linguistic intuition of one of the author who is the speaker of the dialect. Etymologically and phonetically analyses of these words show that many of them in the Baboli dialect sometimes have remained unchanged or with a slight alteration from Middle Persian to the present one, and some of them are even very similar to the words of older languages such as Avestan and Sanskrit.
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- رمضان یدالله پور؛ سال تولد: ۱۳۰۹؛ میزان سواد: سواد قرآنی؛ شغل: کشاورز؛ محل تولد: روستای رمنت؛ محل زندگی: روستای رمنت
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- مهدی یدالله پور؛ سال تولد: ۱۳۰۳؛ میزان سواد: بیسواد؛ شغل: کشاورز؛ محل تولد: روستای رمنت؛ محل زندگی: روستای رمنت