Design and Simulation of a High Step-up Three Level Boost Converter with Coupled-Inductor and Passive Clamp
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Mohsen Soltani
Seyyed Mohammad Mehdi Mirtalaee
1 - MSc. - Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor – Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: Boost converter, three level converter, high step-up converters, Coupled inductors, Voltage stress,
Abstract :
Recent developments in renewable energy sources has created demands for high step-up and high efficiency DC-DC converters. This demands are fulfilled basically through the use of high frequency transformer to achieve the required and desired gain. Power electronics solutions based on multi-converter structures provides economic methods for input and output power by combining a number of components. In this paper some of structures reviewed that have been proposed to achieve a high step-up converter and the advantages and disadvantages of these converters are discussed. The proposed converter is provided in order to reduce the voltage stress of high step-up converters based on coupled inductor and passive clamping circuit. The voltage stress of switches in the proposed converter is less than a simple boost converter also in this structure with using passive clamping circuit the oscillation of both sides of the switches is a little clamped and finally by using this technique it can achieve high gain by selecting the appropriate duty cycle. In this paper to review the principle of operation of the proposed converter theoretical analysis are provided and to verify the results of theoretical analysis of the proposed converter is given with its PSPICE simulation.
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