Adaptive control of nonlinear time delay systems in the presence of output constraints
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Fatemeh Mohammadzamani
Mahnaz Hashemi
Ghazanfar Shahgholian
1 - University of Najafabad
2 - Faculty of Electrical engineering
Najafabad branch
Islamic Azad University
3 - University of Najafabad
Keywords: Adaptive control, Output constraints, Nonlinear time delay systems, Uncertain parameters, Actuator faults,
Abstract :
Controlling systems in industrial processes are subject to problems such as the limitation of system signals, the uncertainties of parameters, the time delay and the failure of actuators. The design of the controller, which can satisfy the constraints, counteract and omit these effects, has attracted much attention.On the other hand, the issue of time delay is so serious and effective, which can make the system unstable and disrupt the process. Many of the devices in the systems, such as sensors and actuators, may be defective. The important thing is that any of the above or even system parameters may be uncertain. Identifying, estimating and fixing the destructive effects of the problems mentioned by the controller of the system.The proposed method of control for nonlinear systems in the presence of an uncertain parameters, delay and faults in actuators. There is no need to limit the parameters, delays, and fault of the actuators. This comparative method is capable of guaranteeing the overall boundary of all closed-loop system signals and the convergence of tracking errors to a small neighborhood around the origin. At the end, the simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed control method
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