Apply a Mutation in Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm to Solve the Economic-Environmental Dispatch Problem of Integrated Power Plants Including Thermal and Wind
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Mahdi Afroozeh
Hamidreza Abdalmohammadi
Mohammad-Esmaeil Nazari
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering- Khomein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran
2 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Group- Golpayegan College of Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Golpayegan, Iran
3 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Group- Golpayegan College of Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Golpayegan, Iran
Keywords: Wind Farms, Steam valve effect, economic environmental dispatch, mutant gray wolf optimization algorithm,
Abstract :
In this paper, a dynamic mutant version of the gray wolf optimization algorithm (MGWO) is proposed to solve the economic-environmental dispatch (E-ED) problem of a standard 40-unit power system with two wind farms. Thus, a comprehensive objective function of operating costs is presented, which is a combination of wind energy costs, over-estimated penalty costs, under-estimated penalty costs, thermal unit costs and emission costs. Due to the random nature of wind speed, the power generated by wind turbines is unpredictable. Therefore, the Weibull probability distribution function has been used to model the wind farm power in this paper. The cost of operating a wind farm is considered probabilistic so that low-probability wind scenarios have less effect on the total operation cost. The simulations are performed in the form of three section and the optimization results are compared with several meta-heuristic algorithm results for validation. The results of the optimizations in all three scenarios and its comparison with other algorithms confirm the better performance and higher accuracy of the proposed MGWO algorithm than the original version of the gray wolf algorithm (GWO) as well as other algorithms.
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