A New Control System for a Dual Stator-Winding Cage Rotor Induction Generator in Direct Grid Connected Condition with Maximum Power point tracking of Wind Turbine
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Mohammad Reza Moradian
Abolfazl Soltani Mohammadi
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering- Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naein, Iran.
Keywords: Wind turbine, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Double Stator Winding Induction Generator,
Abstract :
In this research a new control system for MPPT in a grid connected three-phase squirrel cage induction wind turbo-generator is presented. This generator is consisted of two Isolated three-phase windings. The first winding is considered to provide the reactive power required by the machine. Obviously, by a controlled feeding of the winding, the desired control goals in this research will be implemented. The second winding is introduced as the main output of the generator. The generator can produce electricity by constant frequency and independent of the axis rotation speed or load and deliver on its output. In addition to the intrinsic qualities above, in this research by designing the proper control system provides the possibility to use maximum wind energy at different speeds, besides that an arbitrary control over the amount of active power exchange between the generator and the grid is provided. For this purpose, feeding the stimulus winding is done by a controlled back-to-back convertor which itself is considered as the supplier of the reactive power of the machine and even the grid on the one hand and the path to the energy output turned from the generator to the load on the other. The proposed control system is simulated by a C++ computer program and the results show the capability and effectiveness of the proposed control method.
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