A solution to Secrecy Sum Rate Enhancement in 5G Networks Using IRS and NOMA by Cooperative Legal Users
Subject Areas : Telecommunication system
Afshin Souzani
Mohammad Ali Pourmina
Paeiz Azmi
Mohammad Naser Moghadasi
1 - Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering- Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering- Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering- Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering- Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: physical layer security, Secrecy sum rate, artificial noise, cooperative network, intelligent reflective surface, non-orthogonal multiple access,
Abstract :
The use of new physical layer security approaches such as intelligent reflective surfaces as well as the use of existing capabilities in the mobile network such as the participation of network users as network partners are solutions that can be very effective in the next generation of mobile telecommunications to improve and increase the total Secrecy Rate in the physical layer.The proposed solution for improving the secrecy rate of the transmitted signal in the physical layer performed by closed-form solution to the described system. In this paper, we analyzed a network consisting of a gNB, two users, an IRS and an eavesdropper in an environment full of obstacles. Using Simulations, we evaluate our solution mathematically and investigate the effect of the eavesdropper location on the total secrecy rate. Also, the analysis and simulation of secrecy rate for the proposed network is performed by taking into account practical network considerations such as changing the location of the Eavesdropper in the network. In addition, the impact of changing the number of elements of smart surface arrays has been analyzed. The numerical results reveal that increasing IRS elements can enhance the ergodic secrecy rate, the reason is that increasing of IRS elements can focuses the main beam of data signal on the first user which increase secrecy rate. Finally, we compare the performance of the OMA and NOMA techniques in the proposed system model. We show that the NOMA technique provides 50% more ergodic secrecy rate compared to the OMA technique.
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