Robust and Semi-Blind Digital Image Watermarking Method Based on DWT and SVD
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Mohammadreza Rezayatmand
Alireza Naghsh
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering-Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
2 - Digital Processing and Machine Vision Research Center- Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: singular value decomposition, Discrete Wavelet transform, digital image watermarking, Haar wavelet transform, Medical image watermarking, Robust watermarking, Semi blind watermarking,
Abstract :
. In the handling of medical images, the main priority is to secure protection for the patient’s documents against any act of tampering by unauthorized persons. Thus, the main concern of the existing electronic medical system is to develop some standard solution to preserve the authenticity and integrity of the content of medical images.Accordingly, digital image watermarking has many applications, one of its most important applications in Protection of medical images, engrave names, Signatures and Patient data on pictures, Videos etc. that are not so clear.There are several ways to digital image watermarking, but one of the most widely used methods to achieve robust watermarking to all kinds of attacks using the combination dwt and svd.We used in this research 2 level of haar wavelet transform on the host image and one level of single value decomposition on its low frequency subset and combined with a watermark coefficient and another level of singular value decomposition to embed the watermark and increase the watermark robustness in a way that when extracting a watermark can be done semi-blindly. With this method, we were able to improve the average peak signal to noise ratio of 55 and 7% improvement for the invisibility of the watermark and also the average correlation coefficient of 0.97 and 34% improvement to increase the resistance of the watermark to various attacks.
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