Designing Predictive Kinematic Control and Dynamic Robust Control for Path Tracking in a Wheeled Mobile Robot
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Fahime Kordi
Hamid Reza Reza Alikhani
Javad Nikoukar
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Tafresh University, Tafresh, Iran
3 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.
Keywords: Wheeled mobile robot, Path Tracking, Adaptive Sliding Mode Control, hybrid controller, kinematic and dynamic model,
Abstract :
In this paper, we investigate a hybrid controller for wheeled mobile robots in the presence of external disturbances and parametric uncertainty. Robot models include kinematic and dynamic equations of motion. In this paper, in order to reach the final position, the wheeled moving robot must be controlled in such a way that it can follow a reference path. Many studies often use a motion control strategy for the wheeled mobile robot. In this study, the proposed control strategy has two stages including cinematic control and dynamic control. In this regard, first after introducing the kinematic model of the robot, we design a predictive controller for this part and prove it. Then, based on the nonlinear dynamic dynamics of the robot, an adaptive sliding mode dynamic controller is introduced to estimate the disturbances online, automatically adjust the gain of the control and eliminate the umbrella phenomenon completely. Then, the proposed design is analyzed and proved using Lyapanov's theory of stability. According to the proposed adaptive control law, optimal convergence and tracking performance of all signals are guaranteed and tracking errors can converge arbitrarily in finite time to the source. Simulation results have been performed to show the effectiveness of the proposed design using Matlab software.
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