Soft Switching Interleaved Boost Converter with Simple Auxiliary Circuit and Reduced Voltage Stress
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Omid Haghparast Naeini
Mahdi Shaneh
Mohamad Reza Mohammadi
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering- Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Smart Microgrid Research Center- Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
3 - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering- University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada
Keywords: Interleaved boost converter, soft switching technique, zero voltage switching, zero current switching,
Abstract :
The interleaved boost converters are the power circuits that provide high-voltage, high-power with regulated output voltage for renewable energy systems which are generally suffer from low-voltage and unregulated output voltages. The soft switching methods reduce electromagnetic noises and switching losses in these converters. In this paper, a ZVT interleaved boost converter with a simple auxiliary circuit is proposed. The proposed converter has a simple structure with low size and cost. In the proposed converter, soft switching condition is provided without any extra voltage and current stress on the main switches. The auxiliary circuit comprises two diodes and one auxiliary switch. The leakage inductance of the utilized coupled inductors is used as resonant inductor. The auxiliary switches benefit from significantly reduced voltage stress without requiring floating gate driver. The proposed converter can achieve zero voltage switching operation for the main switches and zero current switching for diodes and auxiliary switches, which causes to alleviate the reverse recovery problems of all diodes.
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