Ultra low voltage and low power 4-2 compressor using FinFET transistors
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Amir Baghi Rahin
Vahid Baghi Rahin
1 - Sardroud Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Indicator - Department of Electrical Engineering, Sardorood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sardorood, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Low power, 4-2 compressor, Full adder, ultra low-voltage, FinFET transistor,
Abstract :
A compressor is basic building blocks of many arithmetic circuits. Design of smaller area, low power consumption and high speed compressor is always in demand. As the channel length approaches nanometer scale, the use of MOSFET as the basic device in compressor now has reaching its performance limits such as average power dissipation and speed. In this paper, a 1-bit full adder cell using FinFET transistor based on PTM 32nm process model with 0.6 V supply voltage for mobile applications is proposed. Then, the proposed full adder cell is used in the structure of compressor and performance of the proposed 4: 2 compressor is evaluated with the simulation results obtained from HSPICE. The main parameters of proposed compressor such as power compression, delay, power-delay product (PDP) and energy-delay product (EDP) were measured and its superior performance has been proved by various simulations. Also, in comparison of MOSFET based compressor, the number of transistors is decreased to 42.
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