Presentation of a Design Algorithm and Implementation of Pulse Power Generator Using Magnetic Pulse Compressor
Subject Areas : Power electronics converters
Mohammad Dehghanian
Amir Baktash
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering- Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Smart Microgrid Research Center- Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: Compressor, pulse power generator, magnetic switches, magnetic pulse,
Abstract :
In many applications, it is necessary to transfer electrical energy to the load as a pulse with a high voltage level. Conventional switches such as semiconductors cannot be used for these applications due to voltage or speed limitations, and therefore saturable inductors must be used. These inductors act like a short circuit at the moment of saturation and play the role of a connected switch. By designing a circuit called magnetic pulse compressor (MPC), this feature can be used to produce voltage pulses with a small width and a large amplitude. The study of the structure of magnetic pulse compressor is mentioned in this article and an algorithm for its design is proposed. By using this algorithm, an efficient compressor circuit can be designed for any application and with the characteristics of magnetic materials. To show the correct operation of the algorithm, a compressor circuit sample has been designed and simulated. The output pulse of the desired circuit for a 5 Ω resistive load has an amplitude of 500 volts and a width of 500 nanoseconds. To validate the proposed method, a laboratory sample is made. The results show that the magnetic switches have an acceptable performance and the proposed algorithm is also successful in designing the compressor circuit.
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