Economic Design of Renewable Hybrid System Based on Hydrogen and Thermal Storages Considering Electrical and Thermal Energy Management
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Reza Sepahvand
Akbar Asgharzadeh bonab
1 - Faculty of Aviation and Engineering- Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of science and technology studies- AJA Command and Staff University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Wind turbine, Hydrogen storage, Energy management, Thermal Storage, Bio-waste energy unit, Renewable hybrid system,
Abstract :
This paper presents the optimal planning of renewable hybrid systems including wind turbines and bio-waste energy units according to hydrogen and thermal storages considering feeding of electrical and thermal energies. Bio-waste unit is based on the operation of the combined power and heat system, which produces electrical and thermal energy at the same time. Hydrogen storage is hybrid of an electrolyze, hydrogen tank, and fuel cell. The proposed scheme minimizes the total annual investment and maintenance costs. It is subject to the operation model of the mentioned elements. In the operation model of sources and storage, renewable sources supply loads of energy, then storage uses to cover the gap between the load and renewable power profiles. This paper uses the hybrid solver of the Gray wolf optimizer and the sine-cosine algorithm to obtain a reliable optimal solution with a low standard deviation in the final response. Finally, based on numerical results according to Espoo in Finland data, the proposed scheme's capability is confirmed in the Economic extraction of a 100% renewable island hybrid system suitable for simultaneous supply of electrical and thermal energy.
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