Intelligent Control of Quadrotor Unmanned Helicopter in Hovering Mode
Subject Areas : Intelligent control
Neda Shamshiri
Abbas Chatraei
1 - Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
2 - Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
Keywords: Fuzzy controller, modeling, neural- fuzzy controller, PID controller, quadrotor,
Abstract :
A Quadrotor helicopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This vehicle has attracted lots of researchers’ attention because of its unique abilities such as being an under-actuated system, vertical take-off and landing, spot movement, more degree of freedom (DOF) and military and non- military functions. Because of nonlinear and complex dynamic, modeling and controlling this vehicle is one of the most challenging areas in control engineering. In this paper modeling of a Quadrotor will be described using Newton-Euler equations. Stabilizing and controlling of altitude and its attitude are done by three controller including classic PID, Fuzzy- PID and Neural- Fuzzy based on PID. Performances of these controllers are analyzed in the presence of disturbances and mass uncertainties. The main aim of this paper is designing an intelligent PID algorithm which is made by combining fuzzy logic and neural system and it will introduce a Neural- Fuzzy controller which is based on PID. Simulation results are presented by MATLAB software.
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