regeneration historical texture with the approach of tourism development (Case study of the city of khoy)
Subject Areas :ali khezerlouy aghdam 1 , karim hoseinzadeh dalir 2 , ali soltani 3
1 - Ph.D. student of Geography and Urban Planning, Marand Unit, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.
2 - Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Marand Unit, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz Unit, University of Science and Applied Municipality, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: Tourism, tourism development, Khoy city, renovation of city, historical site,
Abstract :
The historical site of Khoy city in iran, is of a high value in terms of cultural heritage and tourist attractions, thus, in this paper it is aimed to identify the situation of historical site of Khoy and present approaches of rebuilding historical site of Khoy.This paper is in applied research series in terms of purpose and in Terms of purpose,this paper is considered an applied research and in Terms of survey research method,it's a statistical population of Khoy's historical site and exprets. The sample volume by means of Kurkan formula is 379 parents and 20 experts of historical site's of Khoy city as a statistical sample. The sampling method is a random sampling 379 questionnaires ware distributed to the resident of the site. Four fundamental,economical,social and institutional criteria ware chosen in order to study the situation of Khoy's historical site in tourism approach. For analyzing the date, the SPSS software was used, and the advantages and disadvantages and the good an weak points were studied through analyzing the issues and problems via the present condition model,swot. The results of sing-test,suggest that the situation of hysterical site of Khoy city, in terms of socialand economical criteria is optimal for renovation and. Also theresults showed that the above-mentioned area has some erosions and despide this weak point, the area possesses a high potentialof tourist attractions because of the presence of cultural and historical elements, which can be a trigger for renewing the historical site of Khoy city.
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