Infrastructure and quality of life (studied in the villages of Tarom city)
Subject Areas :majid mohammadi 1 , Mahboubeh Babaei 2 , Alieh Shekarbeigi 3
1 - PhD student in Sociology of Economics and Development, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: quality of life, Agricultural Infrastructure, Physical Infrastructure, Social Infrastructure, Institutional Infrastructure,
Abstract :
Quality of life can be affected by many factors and components, some of which are related to rural infrastructure (such as roads, public transportation, health centers, schools, etc.) and others are related to personal characteristics and Individuals (such as age, gender, marital status, etc.). The aim of this study was to assess the infrastructure and quality of life of villagers in Tarom city. For this purpose, descriptive-analytical and field survey methods were used. The statistical population of this study consists of the villagers of Tarom city. Using simple random sampling method and Cochran sampling method, 371 N were selected and a questionnaire was randomly distributed among them. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software. Multivariate regression test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to measure the impact of these factors on the quality of life of villagers. The findings showed that among the individual factors (age, gender, education, family size, marital status, amount of land under cultivation, Income, type of work, type of crop and type of horticultural product) There was a significant relationship between variables of income, amount of land under cultivation and type of horticultural product with dependent variable (quality of life) and also between independent factors (agricultural infrastructure, physical infrastructure, institutional infrastructure and social infrastructure). There was no significant difference between the institutional infrastructures and the dependent variable (quality of life) and regarding the general conclusion that the majority of the sample size assessed the quality of life as average.
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