List of Articles شهريار Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - «شهریار مندنی پور» با واکاوی تبادل و تقابل بر اساس نظریه تحلیل رفتار «اریک برن» رعنا ابراهیمی امین اباد Kamran Pashaiey fakhri پروانه عادل زاده Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Studying the integration of the feeling of loneliness in the poems of Shahriar and Abumazhi roghayeh karimi ali eynalilu sepideh Sepehri Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - An analysis of the concepts of "functional pathology" in the fiction works of "Shahryar Mandanipour" based on the theory of behavior analysis of "Eric Berne" rana ebrahimi Kamran Pashaiey fakhri Parvaneh Adelzadeh