List of Articles عوامل ساختاری Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - A comprehensive model of outcome-oriented performance budgeting for the executive organizations of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq dlshad zanghaneh مهدی زینالی Younes Badavar Nahandi mehdi alinajad Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Designing the Iraqi Championship Sports Development Model Based on Basic Structural Process: approach Grounded Theory Classic Glaser Ahmad Saer Abas Rasool Nazari Jasem ALI Mohammad Alsoudani Rezvan Rizi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Evaluation of the professional ethics of physical education teachers in the four educational districts of Shiraz based on the three-pronged model Sirous Haddadnia 10.71852/pss.2024.1190907