List of Articles استغنا Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - A Comparative Study of Myth and Mysticism in the Attar's Seven Cities of Love with Bidel Dehlavi's Lyric Poems Masoumeh Pazoki Khodabakhsh Asadollahi Alireza Nikouei Tawfiq Hashempour Sobhani 10.30495/clq.2021.683763 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - A study on concept of Independence and Destitution in Masnaviye Manavi Love fire from Mollana's perspective N. Emami* E.Abdi Makvand** Abstract: Fire is one of the astonishing phenomenon of universe with many characteristics such as giving life, giving death , enthusuiziam, giving warm , making clear guidance movement towards lover and etc….it has always have been attracted the attention of literary men and mysticisms. Mollana has also eshagh Toghyani hakimeh hadi