List of Articles Communication Effectiveness Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The Effect of Communication Effectiveness on Customer Satisfaction with the Mediating Role of Perceived Value, Perceived Quality and Customer Trust (Case Study: Customers of Bank Shahr in Qazvin Province) vahideh alipoor mohammad Bashokouh Ajirlo atefeh mehri bazghaleh anis mehri bazghaleh 10.30495/jomm.2022.66113.1921 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Investigating the Cultural and Social Development of Organizations Based on Re-Designing Customer Relationship Management Model at Media Centers of Iranian Organizations aliakbar farhangi S.jamal tabibi kamran kianimanesh 10.30495/jisds.2007.21266 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - A Study of Socio-Cultural Development of Organizations Relying on Redesigning Customer Relationship Management Model in Media Centers of Iranian Organizations (Case Study: Kargaran Welfare Bank) Kamran Kianimanesh Aliakbar Farhangi Seyed Jamaleddin Tabibi