List of Articles Indole butyric acid Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The effect of Indolebutyric acid and the cutting time on rooting of Myrtus Communis L. Amin HeydarpourMonfared Hadi Kiadaliri Elham Jaferyan Arash Drikvand Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The effect of some growth regulators on the micro propagation of orchid (Phalaenopsis philippinensis) by flowering stem buds Mehdi Khorshidi 10.30495/iper.2022.688801 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Evaluation of the effects of exogenous auxin and cytokinin hormones on growth, morphology, photosynthetic pigment content and the possibility of creating favorable responses in the ornamental plant Adenium obesum Aryan Sateei Masomeh Habibi Mehdi Ebadi Shadman Shikravi Mazeyar Ahmadi golsefidi 10.30495/iper.2022.1941175.1735 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Change in the content of bioactive pharmaceutical-industrial compounds under the influence of hormonal treatments In Euphorbia trigona Mill. Hakimeh Rezayi Aryan Sateei Tahereh A. Aghajanzadeh Mehdi Ebadi 10.30495/ijpp.2022.699182 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - The Effect of Indole Butyric Acid and the Time of Stem Cutting Preparation on Propagation of Damask Rose Ornamental Shrub Mahsa Kashefi Hossein Zarei Farzaneh Bahadori Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Study of the effect of auxin and gibberellin on growth, total chlorophyll, carotenoid and terpenoid content in Euphorbia trigona Mill. Hakimeh Rezaei Aryan Sateei Tahereh Sadat Aghajanzadeh Mehdi Ebadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - The Effect of indole butyric acid hormone concentration and rootstock on propagation of rose Cv. "Olivia" through stenting technique Mahmoud Reza Khalili fatemeh nekonam mohamad khsosi rohangiz Naderi javad jabarzadeh