List of Articles Mashhad metropolis Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The Evaluation and Prioritization of Urban Parks (Case Study: The Region 13 Mashhad Metropolis) zahra parsanik Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Measuring and evaluating the dimensions of urban vitality in District 10 of Mashhad metropolis majid akbari zahra montazeri مرضیه طالشی انبوهی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Explanation of Effective Parameters in the Contemporary Revitalization of the Historical Fabric of the Samen District of Mashhad with an Emphasis on Preserving the Identity of the Site Tina Farahbod Mohsen Tabassi Sanaz Saeidi Mofrad Vahid Ahmadi 10.30495/ccd.2024.1994454.1233 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - The Analysis of Neighborhoods’ Sustainability with Imperative Factors (Case Study: Regions in Mashhad Metropolitan Area) Seyed Moslem Seyedalhosseini Mostafa Akbari Motlaq Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Environmental Impact Assessment on the Construction of 30,000 Imam Reza Stadium in Mashhad Metropolis to Achieve Sustainable Urban Development MahmoudReza Anvari Amir Gharib Rahele Hosini Mehrab Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - The evaluation of urban livability in Mashhad metropolis with emphisis on transportation indicator Mohammad Ghanbari Mohammad Ajze Shokuhi Mohammad Rahim Rahnama Omid Ali Kharazmi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Establishing effective guidelines on the promotion of spatial justice in informal settlements in Mashhad Sanaz Saeedi Mofrad toktam hanaee Sousan Shirvani Moghadam Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - Zoning and modeling of energy consumption in human settlements and explaining the effective components in the design of green buildings (Case study: Mashhad) Najiyeh Abavisani Joghtaee Amir Farajollahi Rod Mansour Yeganeh 10.22034/ap.2022.1949527.1126 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - Investigating the Causes and Consequences of the Formation of Second Homes in Suburbs of Metropolises, Case Study: Mashhad حسن ایزدی mostafa Solhjoo Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - Evaluation the developmental level of the new seventeen zones of Mashhad Metropolis Mohammad Ghanbari Morteza Razavinezhad Rabeheh koosha Seyyed Rohollah Hoseini 10.30495/jzpm.2022.28703.3965