List of Articles Positive Orientation Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety, Positive Orientation, and Perceived Teacher and Student Emotional Support among Iranian EFL Learners Shiva Azizpour Javad Gholami 10.30486/relp.2022.1943978.1313 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Interrelationship Among EFL Teachers’ Smart Classroom Management, Their Students’ Learning Approach, Positive Orientation, and Language Learning Afsaneh Ghanizadeh Shirin Maloomi 10.30486/relp.2023.1986877.1462 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - The effectiveness of Problem-Solving Training on EFL Learners’ positive orientation and language teacher immunity Abozar Aghaei Mohammad Rostampour Hajar Aghaei 10.71922/jee.2025.991544