List of Articles artificial neural network model Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Prediction of the results of implementation of air pollution control strategies using the Geo-Artificial Neural Network for Tehran metropolis Mehran Ghoddousi Farideh Atabi Jafar Nouri Alireza Gharagozlu 10.22034/jest.2019.23618.3275 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Developing a model for predicting the Tehran Stock Exchange index using a combination of artificial neural network and Markov hidden model Leila Talaie Kakolaki Mehdi Madanchi Taghi Torabi Farhad Ghaffari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Utilization of Artificial Neural Networks for Determining the Overflow Discharge of Marun Dam Ebrahim Nohani valiolah partovi zia