List of Articles exceptional Children Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Comparing the Rate of Marital Satisfaction and Perceived Social Support in Consanguine and Non- Consanguine Marriage Mothers of Exceptional and Normal Children Mohammad Mohajerani Gholamali Afrooz Ali Akbar Arjmandnia Sogand Ghasemzadeh Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Analyzing the dimensions and components of behavioral innovation of human resources in the organization of exceptional children golchehreh Lohrasbi mitra sadoughi Hossein Ali taghipoor esmaeil kazempour Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - The effectiveness of the spirituality and life satisfaction educational package on the happiness of the families of exceptional children Khaled Rashtiyani Maryam Akbari Hamzeh Ahmadiyan Yahya Yarahmadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - A comparative study of executive laws related to educational support for exceptional children and adolescents in Iran and the international organization UNICEF Abdulrahim Tajuddin Mansure Shahriari Ahmadi Gholamali Afrooz Hasan Pasha sharifi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Effectiveness of group counseling based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on self-compassion and family resilience of mothers of children Mahmoud Fatahi Assadolah Vesii Omid Moradi