A Survey on the Comparison between Precision and Traditional Agriculture by Budgeting Method
محورهای موضوعی : Agricultural ExtensionMaryam Gharehbeigloo 1 , Sahar Dehyouri 2 , Azita Zand 3
1 - MSc of Agricultural Management, Agricultural Department, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshar, Iran
2 - Asisstant Professor of Agricultural Department, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshar, Iran
3 - Asisstant Professor of Agricultural Department, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshar, Iran
کلید واژه: precision agriculture, Agricultural, traditional agriculture, sense of precision agriculture,
چکیده مقاله :
The present study was conducted to compare precision and traditional agriculture by budgeting technique. Its statistical population consists of 210 experts in agricultural jihad organization of Qom province. The validity of Questionnaire as research tool ware confirmed by professors while its reliability was corroborated by Cranach’s alpha to 0.78-0.94 intervals. According to the findings, there was the significant difference between economic, social, managerial, and training aspects for both precision and traditional agriculture on average. Also, there was the significant relationship between all economic, social, environmental, managerial and training aspects, limitation and policies on expert’ s understanding on each concept of precision agriculture. The findings show that there was no significant relationship between all aspects, limitation, and policies on precision agriculture and expert’s understanding of each concept of precision agriculture. The findings were indicated that there was no significant link between correlation coefficient of environmental aspect and limitation to understanding the concept of precision agriculture. Results of regression analysis show that economic, social, managerial, training, policies of precision agriculture overall can be explained 44% of changes in independent variables. Also, results of budgeting sector show that there was the significant difference between cost and income of precision and traditional agriculture so that cost of the traditional production was much higher than precision agriculture.
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