Socio-Economic Factors influencing the Participation of Smallholder Vegetable Farmers in High-Value Markets A case study of Arumeru District, Tanzania
محورهای موضوعی : Agricultural EducationHappiness Huka 1 , Fredy Kilima 2 , Alban Mchopa 3
1 - Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU), P.O. BOX 474, Sokoine Road, Moshi, Tanzania
2 - Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU), P.O. BOX 474, Sokoine Road, Moshi, Tanzania
3 - Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU), P.O. BOX 474, Sokoine Road, Moshi, Tanzania
کلید واژه: High-value market, Smallholder vegetable framers, Social-economic factors, Market participation,
چکیده مقاله :
High-value market chains are regarded as one of the country's lucrative market segments. However, various constraints hinder the effective involvement of smallholder farmers in these market chain, thus limiting their ability to generate income for their households and livelihood. The objective of this paper was to examine the influence of socio-economic factors on the participation of smallholder vegetable farmers in high-value markets (HVM). The study used a cross-sectional research design, involving a sample of 384 respondents. Data collection involved the use of structured questionnaires, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. The study applied a probit model to assess these factors. Findings reveal that socio-economic factors including access to information, distance to the market, availability of extension services, and crop diversification significantly (p < 0.05) influence the participation of smallholder farmers in HVM. To enhance the participation of smallholder vegetable farmers in HVM, the study recommends that the government and agricultural organizations invest in extending agricultural extension services to remote farming areas. Additionally, efforts should focus on enhancing transportation infrastructure. Furthermore, the study suggests facilitating the dissemination of market information to smallholder farmers through information centers, mobile apps, or SMS services, to provide them with real-time market updates. Lastly, promoting specialization in crop production is encouraged. These combined measures can empower smallholder farmers, leading to increased participation in high-value markets, ultimately resulting in improved economic outcomes and livelihoods.
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