Investigating the Effectiveness of Farmers' Risk Management Strategies (Case Study: Khuzestan Province)
محورهای موضوعی : Extension and Economic
Ramin Safaveyan
Mohsen Mousaei
Jahanbakhsh Rahimi Bagmalek
1 - MSc Student, Department of Agricultural Management, Gachsaran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran Branch
3 - Assiatnt Professor, Department of Management,Gachsaran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran, Iran
کلید واژه: Risk Management, Farmers, Content Analysis Method, Khuzestan Province.,
چکیده مقاله :
Risk is an integral part of agriculture. risk management is the process of choosing an appropriate strategy from among different options to reduce risk. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of farmers' risk management strategies in Khuzestan province. The research is exploratory in terms of its purpose, in terms of the nature and type of data study of the newly emerging foundation, and in terms of time, it is a survey research. The statistical population of the research consists of professors, managers and leading farmers and experts who had sufficient experience in the field of agriculture. The sample size included 15 experts. The analysis method in the qualitative part is the content analysis method. The research results in the qualitative part identified 10 main factors (individual factors, environmental factors, economic factors, market factors, product insurance, human factors, educational-promotional factors, agricultural characteristics, social factors and political-institutional factors), and 28 dimensions. (Age, education, family size, background, access to credit and financial services, income, savings and investment, price, economic situation of the country, ownership, severe market fluctuations, approximate distance from the garden to the sales center, middlemen, government guaranteed purchase , promotion of agricultural insurance culture, land characteristics, climatic factors, pest and disease, manpower information, education, promotion factors, crop cultivation, social trust, use of indigenous knowledge, social participation, stability of laws and regulations, communication with foreign neighbors, government support). finally led to the identification of 99 effective concepts on the effectiveness of risk management strategies.
Risk is an integral part of agriculture. risk management is the process of choosing an appropriate strategy from among different options to reduce risk. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of farmers' risk management strategies in Khuzestan province. The research is exploratory in terms of its purpose, in terms of the nature and type of data study of the newly emerging foundation, and in terms of time, it is a survey research. The statistical population of the research consists of professors, managers and leading farmers and experts who had sufficient experience in the field of agriculture. The sample size included 15 experts. The analysis method in the qualitative part is the content analysis method. The research results in the qualitative part identified 10 main factors (individual factors, environmental factors, economic factors, market factors, product insurance, human factors, educational-promotional factors, agricultural characteristics, social factors and political-institutional factors), and 28 dimensions. (Age, education, family size, background, access to credit and financial services, income, savings and investment, price, economic situation of the country, ownership, severe market fluctuations, approximate distance from the garden to the sales center, middlemen, government guaranteed purchase , promotion of agricultural insurance culture, land characteristics, climatic factors, pest and disease, manpower information, education, promotion factors, crop cultivation, social trust, use of indigenous knowledge, social participation, stability of laws and regulations, communication with foreign neighbors, government support). finally led to the identification of 99 effective concepts on the effectiveness of risk management strategies.
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