Reused raw materials of returned products in closed-loop supply chain considering green technology and quality level
محورهای موضوعی : Production Systems
1 - Department of Industrial engineering, College of technical Engineering, Kosar University of Bojnord, Iran.
کلید واژه: bi-objective, Closed-loop supply chain, returned products, Quality, Green technology,
چکیده مقاله :
In recent years, reverse logistics has been given more research attention. Reverse logistics has backward and forward flow of products which customers are not end of the flow. Reverse logistics has environmental and economic benefits such as recovering the value of returning products, and contenting the environmental requirements. In this lecture, a new multi-objective mixed-integer non-linear program is suggested in order to minimize total cost and air pollution. Decreasing carbon emissions is considered related to environmental aspects or the second aim( minimizing air pollution). The new closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) model is an inventory-location multi-period problem. The demand in this model is depended on green technology and quality level. The returned products are disassembled and sorted, the good raw materials are sent to the manufacturers and other materials disposed. The LP-metric and utility function or total weighted methods /are applied to gain Pareto optimal solutions. Finally, a numerical example is applied for validating the new model.
In recent years, reverse logistics has been given more research attention. Reverse logistics has backward and forward flow of products which customers are not end of the flow. Reverse logistics has environmental and economic benefits such as recovering the value of returning products, and contenting the environmental requirements. In this lecture, a new multi-objective mixed-integer non-linear program is suggested in order to minimize total cost and air pollution. Decreasing carbon emissions is considered related to environmental aspects or the second aim( minimizing air pollution). The new closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) model is an inventory-location multi-period problem. The demand in this model is depended on green technology and quality level. The returned products are disassembled and sorted, the good raw materials are sent to the manufacturers and other materials disposed. The LP-metric and utility function or total weighted methods /are applied to gain Pareto optimal solutions. Finally, a numerical example is applied for validating the new model.
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