Effect of Self-regulation Instruction on L2 Motivational Self-system and Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners
محورهای موضوعی : نشریه زبان و ترجمه
Sepideh Vafakhah
Parviz Maftoon
Masood Siyyari
1 - Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: Ideal L2 self, L2 motivational self-system, Ought to L2 self, Reading comprehension, Self-regulation instruction,
چکیده مقاله :
While research signifies the role of emotions in second/foreign language education, the impact of receiving explicit instruction on EFL students’ emotions and language skills has been overlooked. To fill this gap, this study investigated the contribution of self-regulation strategy instruction to EFL learners' L2 motivational self-system, involving ideal L2 self, ought to L2 self, and attitude to L2 learning. To this end, a mixed-methods research design was utilized. The researchers administered L2 Motivational Self Questionnaire, Self-Regulated Language Learning Questionnaire (SRLLQ), and a Reading Test to 60 Iranian female EFL students. Also, semi-structured interviews were held to unpack students' opinions concerning the impact of self-regulatory instruction on their L2 motivational self-system. The results corroborated the effectiveness of self-regulation instruction in enhancing learners' L2 Motivational Self-System, improving reading performance, and increasing motivation, autonomy, and self-confidence. The results encourage teacher educators to make teachers familiar with novel approaches regarding self-regulation instruction to increase the quality of language teaching.
While research signifies the role of emotions in second/foreign language education, the impact of receiving explicit instruction on EFL students’ emotions and language skills has been overlooked. To fill this gap, this study investigated the contribution of self-regulation strategy instruction to EFL learners' L2 motivational self-system, involving ideal L2 self, ought to L2 self, and attitude to L2 learning. To this end, a mixed-methods research design was utilized. The researchers administered L2 Motivational Self Questionnaire, Self-Regulated Language Learning Questionnaire (SRLLQ), and a Reading Test to 60 Iranian female EFL students. Also, semi-structured interviews were held to unpack students' opinions concerning the impact of self-regulatory instruction on their L2 motivational self-system. The results corroborated the effectiveness of self-regulation instruction in enhancing learners' L2 Motivational Self-System, improving reading performance, and increasing motivation, autonomy, and self-confidence. The results encourage teacher educators to make teachers familiar with novel approaches regarding self-regulation instruction to increase the quality of language teaching.
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