Turning Quantitative: An Analytic Scale to Do Critical Discourse Analysis
محورهای موضوعی : نشریه زبان و ترجمهArdeshir Danesh 1 , Ferdows Aghagolzadeh 2 , Parviz Maftoon 3
1 - Department of English Language, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of English Language, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of English Language, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: Text, Context, CDA, Analytic scale, Text-context interaction,
چکیده مقاله :
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) could be seen as a theory in qualitative more than in qualitative stud- ies. This might have led to difficulty in doing CDA. Accordingly, this study attempted to develop a quan- titative profile in the form of an analytic rubric. For this purpose, Fairclough’s model of CDA was select- ed as the research framework. The techniques used for structuring analytic scales were used over three steps. First, the criteria corresponding to text, context, and text-context interaction were identified as ide- ology, intertextuality, date, power, contextual clues, background knowledge, and culture. The next step involved validating the extracted criteria through Item-Objective Congruence Index. The final step in- cluded scaling via specifying an even number of qualities for each item accompanied by a range of scores. Then, the rubric was checked for reliability. The results of the correlation analysis revealed that the scale is reliable across different raters. The results of the present study might have educational impli- cation for CDA-oriented reading attempts. Moreover, it could open a turning point, since previous efforts to do CDA have been extremely qualitative.
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