بررسی تعامل رفتار دولت و بانک مرکزی در یک بازی رهبر-پیرو با وجود صرف ریسک (کاربردی از بازی دیفرانسیلی غیرخطی)The Interaction of the Government and Central Bank Behavior in a Leader-Follower Game despite of the Risk Premium
محورهای موضوعی : اقتصاد مالیداود محمودی نیا 1 , اطهره زیدآبادی 2
1 - گروه اقتصاد، دانشگاه ولی عصر (عج) رفسنجان، کرمان، ایران
2 - گروه اقتصاد، دانشگاه ولی عصر(عج) رفسنجان، کرمان،ایران
کلید واژه: C61, تئوری بازیها, واژههای کلیدی:سیاست پولی و مالی, بازی استاکلبرگ, صرف ریسک. طبقه بندی JEL: C70, E60, O53,
چکیده مقاله :
هماهنگی سیاستهای پولی و مالی برای دستیابی به رشد اقتصادی در بستر ثبات قیمتها در نظریه بازی بر اساس تعامل افراد و تصمیمات آنها مورد بررسی قرار میگیرد. در پژوهش حاضر، هماهنگی سیاستهای پولی و مالی در قالب بازیهای دیفرانسیلی غیرخطی با وجود صرف ریسک بررسی و روش حل بازی در قالب بازی استاکلبرگ و تئوری کنترل بهینه ارزیابی میشود. نتایج نشان میدهد در چارچوب بازی دیفرانسیلی غیرخطی، تعامل مقام پولی و مالی در یک بازی استاکلبرگ و با تعریف دولت به عنوان بازیکن رهبر و بانک مرکزی به عنوان پیرو، پیامدهای مطلوب تر اقتصادیبرای جامعه رقم خواهد خورد، به گونهای که رهبری مالی باعث کاهش بیشتر سطح بدهیهای دولت و کسری بودجه میشود. در این وضعیت سرعت همگرایی بدهیبه سمت مقدار هدفش بالاتر می باشد. کاهش صرف ریسک و نرخ ترجیح زمانی، می تواند شرایط بهتری را برای سیاست گذار پولی و مالی در جهت دستیابی به اهداف فراهم نماید.The Interaction of the Government and Central Bank Behavior in a Leader-Follower Game despite of the Risk PremiumDavood MahmodiniaAthareh ZeidAbadiAbstractCoordination of monetary and fiscal policies is crucial for achieving economic growth in the context of price stability. Therefore, the monetary and fiscal authorities must have the necessary coordination and coordination in implementing their policies in order to achieve better results. On the other hand, the game theory is one of the concepts that has many applications in different sciences and fields. Game theory is of particular importance in economics, since it analyzes the interaction of individuals and their decisions. Thus, in the present study, the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies in the long run and its effect on macroeconomic variables are investigated according to a mathematical model. Accordingly, the interaction of monetary and fiscal policies are taken into consideration in the form of differential games with respect to the risk premium. On the other hand, the method of solving the game by Stackelberg game and the mathematical method is to solve the method of optimal control of Pontryagin's principle. In this regard, the results show that the interaction of monetary and fiscal authorities in the fiscal leadership creates better consequences in the society than the monetary leadership so that the fiscal leadership will decreases the government debts further and brings the debts closer to their desired level. On the other hand, if the policy makers consider the longer-term horizons for applying their policies and lead to the reduced risk premium, reduced target budget deficit and the real interest rates by proper policy-making, they can reduce the level of government debt and thereby the society will be in a better situation.
Coordination of monetary and fiscal policies is crucial for achieving economic growth in the context of price stability. Therefore, the monetary and fiscal authorities must have the necessary coordination and coordination in implementing their policies in order to achieve better results. On the other hand, the game theory is one of the concepts that has many applications in different sciences and fields. Game theory is of particular importance in economics, since it analyzes the interaction of individuals and their decisions. Thus, in the present study, the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies in the long run and its effect on macroeconomic variables are investigated according to a mathematical model. Accordingly, the interaction of monetary and fiscal policies are taken into consideration in the form of differential games with respect to the risk premium. On the other hand, the method of solving the game by Stackelberg game and the mathematical method is to solve the method of optimal control of Pontryagin's principle. In this regard, the results show that the interaction of monetary and fiscal authorities in the fiscal leadership creates better consequences in the society than the monetary leadership so that the fiscal leadership will decreases the government debts further and brings the debts closer to their desired level. On the other hand, if the policy makers consider the longer-term horizons for applying their policies and lead to the reduced risk premium, reduced target budget deficit and the real interest rates by proper policy-making, they can reduce the level of government debt and thereby the society will be in a better situation.
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