Mediating Iranian EFL Senior High School Students’ Vocabulary Acquisition: The Role of SHAD Application in Technology Enhanced Setting
محورهای موضوعی : Journal of Teaching English Language Studies
Sayyed Rasoul Mousavi
Amir Nemat Tabrizi
1 -
2 - Department of English, Payame Noor University
کلید واژه: Senior high school students, SHAD application, Technology enhanced setting, Vocabulary acquisition,
چکیده مقاله :
The present study investigated the expansion of academic vocabulary knowledge of English as a foreign language student making use of SHAD app compared to the traditional method of vocabulary instruction. About 60 Azarbaijani Turkish EFL students participated in the study. The participants belonging to intact classes from the first grade of secondary high school in Tabriz. After homogenizing the level of English knowledge of students using Oxford Placement test, they were divided into two groups of treatment group and control group. A 100 items pretest in the form of VKS was administrated to the learners to recognize the final 80 unknown words marked by the students in order to be taught during the treatment. The learners in the treatment group exposed to instruction of new words via SHAD application, and the learners in the control group learners’ new words in the traditional classroom. During treatment, the experimental group completed and presented their vocabulary homework assignment via SHAD app, while the learners in control group were required to submit the identical homework assignment making use of the paper and pencil method. After treatment, a 30-item posttest in the form of multiple-choice was presented to the groups. Data was gathered through pretest-posttest and it was analyzed through independent samples t-test. Results of t-test conveyed that the group of SHAD app meaningfully outperformed the traditional one on a vocabulary test. In addition, implication for teaching vocabulary and future studies are argued.
The present study investigated the expansion of academic vocabulary knowledge of English as a foreign language student making use of SHAD app compared to the traditional method of vocabulary instruction. About 60 Azarbaijani Turkish EFL students participated in the study. The participants belonging to intact classes from the first grade of secondary high school in Tabriz. After homogenizing the level of English knowledge of students using Oxford Placement test, they were divided into two groups of treatment group and control group. A 100 items pretest in the form of VKS was administrated to the learners to recognize the final 80 unknown words marked by the students in order to be taught during the treatment. The learners in the treatment group exposed to instruction of new words via SHAD application, and the learners in the control group learners’ new words in the traditional classroom. During treatment, the experimental group completed and presented their vocabulary homework assignment via SHAD app, while the learners in control group were required to submit the identical homework assignment making use of the paper and pencil method. After treatment, a 30-item posttest in the form of multiple-choice was presented to the groups. Data was gathered through pretest-posttest and it was analyzed through independent samples t-test. Results of t-test conveyed that the group of SHAD app meaningfully outperformed the traditional one on a vocabulary test. In addition, implication for teaching vocabulary and future studies are argued.
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