Comparative Efficacy of Sequential Multi-Instructor Versus Single-Instructor Teaching on Iranian High School EFL Achievement
محورهای موضوعی : Applied Linguistics
Nasrin Mehrvarz Bahambari
Valeh Valipour
Mohammadreza Khodareza
1 - Department of English, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran
2 - Department of English, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran
3 - Department of English, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekanon, Iran
کلید واژه: Sequential multi-instructor teaching, single-instructor method, language proficiency, pedagogical models,
چکیده مقاله :
This study investigates the impact of sequential multi-instructor teaching versus traditional single-instructor methods on English language achievement among Iranian ninth-grade high school students. Employing a sequential explanatory mixed-method design, the study involved 80 ninth- and tenth-grade students in Lahijan, Iran, divided equally by gender and assigned to groups for either sequential teaching or single-instructor methods. A pre-test and post-test design evaluated changes in English proficiency following 12 instructional sessions. Quantitative analysis using one-way ANOVA revealed that the sequential teaching method significantly improved English language outcomes among ninth-grade students compared to single-instructor methods, while also highlighting the effectiveness of this model in closing performance gaps without notable gender-based differences. Thematic analysis of qualitative data, derived from student feedback through open-ended questionnaires, indicated that students viewed sequential teaching favorably, appreciating its structured approach and individualized support. The findings confirm the efficacy of sequential teaching as a model that fosters enhanced language achievement in high school contexts, suggesting that multi-instructor strategies like sequential teaching create more responsive and effective learning environments for young English learners. This study underscores the value of multi-instructor method in educational settings and provides a foundation for further research on instructional models that address diverse student needs.
This study investigates the impact of sequential multi-instructor teaching versus traditional single-instructor methods on English language achievement among Iranian ninth-grade high school students. Employing a sequential explanatory mixed-method design, the study involved 80 ninth- and tenth-grade students in Lahijan, Iran, divided equally by gender and assigned to groups for either sequential teaching or single-instructor methods. A pre-test and post-test design evaluated changes in English proficiency following 12 instructional sessions. Quantitative analysis using one-way ANOVA revealed that the sequential teaching method significantly improved English language outcomes among ninth-grade students compared to single-instructor methods, while also highlighting the effectiveness of this model in closing performance gaps without notable gender-based differences. Thematic analysis of qualitative data, derived from student feedback through open-ended questionnaires, indicated that students viewed sequential teaching favorably, appreciating its structured approach and individualized support. The findings confirm the efficacy of sequential teaching as a model that fosters enhanced language achievement in high school contexts, suggesting that multi-instructor strategies like sequential teaching create more responsive and effective learning environments for young English learners. This study underscores the value of multi-instructor method in educational settings and provides a foundation for further research on instructional models that address diverse student needs.
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