Effect of Learner-Oriented Assessment through Peer and Self-assessment on EFL learners’ Perceptions of Self-Assessment Practices: A Phenomenographic Study
محورهای موضوعی : Applied Linguistics
پگاه درودی
Mohammad Taghi Farvardin
Ghafour Rezaie Golandoz
1 - PhD candidate, Department of English, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of English, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - Department of English, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran
کلید واژه: EFL learners, Learning-Oriented Assessment, Peer-assessment, Phenomenographic Study, Self-assessment,
چکیده مقاله :
Learning-Oriented Assessment (LOA), challenging traditional assessment methods, emphasizes feedback and adaptation, fostering higher-order learning and improved student-teacher interactions. This research seeks to address the gap in existing literature regarding alternative assessment approaches in EFL contexts. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of LOA through peer and self-assessment on Iranian EFL learners' perceptions of self-assessment practices. To this end, this study utilized a phenomenographic approach to explore Language Assessment Literacy (LAL) among 32 EFL learners engaged in LOA, peer assessment (n=17) and self-assessment (n=15). Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, ensuring ethical standards and participants’ consent. Analysis followed Marton's methodology, employing rigorous coding, member checking, and respondent validation to guarantee reliability and credibility. The findings revealed that enhanced self-awareness, goal-centered learning, intrinsic motivation, focused improvement, and a shift in assessment perception were central themes within self-assessment. Additionally, themes such as enhanced peer interaction, empowerment for evaluation, quality of feedback, growth mindset, transparency, fairness, motivation, and engagement emerged within the realm of peer assessment, which emphasized the collaborative nature of peer assessment, the development of evaluative competence and ownership of learning, the importance of high-quality feedback, the cultivation of a growth-oriented mindset, and the promotion of motivation and engagement among learners. The findings suggest that integrating LOA in language education fosters deeper engagement, critical thinking, and a positive mindset toward learning and assessment.
Learning-Oriented Assessment (LOA), challenging traditional assessment methods, emphasizes feedback and adaptation, fostering higher-order learning and improved student-teacher interactions. This research seeks to address the gap in existing literature regarding alternative assessment approaches in EFL contexts. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of LOA through peer and self-assessment on Iranian EFL learners' perceptions of self-assessment practices. To this end, this study utilized a phenomenographic approach to explore Language Assessment Literacy (LAL) among 32 EFL learners engaged in LOA, peer assessment (n=17) and self-assessment (n=15). Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, ensuring ethical standards and participants’ consent. Analysis followed Marton's methodology, employing rigorous coding, member checking, and respondent validation to guarantee reliability and credibility. The findings revealed that enhanced self-awareness, goal-centered learning, intrinsic motivation, focused improvement, and a shift in assessment perception were central themes within self-assessment. Additionally, themes such as enhanced peer interaction, empowerment for evaluation, quality of feedback, growth mindset, transparency, fairness, motivation, and engagement emerged within the realm of peer assessment, which emphasized the collaborative nature of peer assessment, the development of evaluative competence and ownership of learning, the importance of high-quality feedback, the cultivation of a growth-oriented mindset, and the promotion of motivation and engagement among learners. The findings suggest that integrating LOA in language education fosters deeper engagement, critical thinking, and a positive mindset toward learning and assessment.
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