Recent Developments of Quantum Science in Laser Technologies, a Mini-Review
محورهای موضوعی : Journal of Environmental Friendly Materials
Omid Ashkani
Mohammad Reza Tavighi
حامد ثابت
1 - Faculty of Technology and Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD Candidate, Faculty of Materials Engineering Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University Karaj, Iran.
3 - Dean of Engineering Faculty , Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch
کلید واژه: Quantum Laser, Quantum Cascade Laser, Quantum Dots, Laser Diodes,
چکیده مقاله :
Nowadays, quantum science plays an important role in the development of various applications and systems one of the main ones being quantum lasers. InAs and Ge/GeAs material systems are among those that are of interest in the development of Quantum Cascade Lasers. Also, laser pointers based on quantum lasers are of interest and the development of quantum dot laser diodes is also discussed and developed. Due to the importance of this issue, in this research, in the form of a mini-review, the general aspects of quantum lasers and the latest advancements have been examined and analyzed. It is worth mentioning that lasers play an effective role in the development of various quantum dots, including carbon quantum dots. The purpose of this research is to summarize the latest research in the field of quantum lasers and also to review some of their applications in the development of various types of quantum dots, especially carbon quantum dots.
Nowadays, quantum science plays an important role in the development of various applications and systems one of the main ones being quantum lasers. InAs and Ge/GeAs material systems are among those that are of interest in the development of Quantum Cascade Lasers. Also, laser pointers based on quantum lasers are of interest and the development of quantum dot laser diodes is also discussed and developed. Due to the importance of this issue, in this research, in the form of a mini-review, the general aspects of quantum lasers and the latest advancements have been examined and analyzed. It is worth mentioning that lasers play an effective role in the development of various quantum dots, including carbon quantum dots. The purpose of this research is to summarize the latest research in the field of quantum lasers and also to review some of their applications in the development of various types of quantum dots, especially carbon quantum dots.
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