Effect of transverse wiggler magnetic field on the growth rate of Raman backscattering of X-mode laser in rippled density plasma
محورهای موضوعی : Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics
Hitendra Malik
Manish Dwivedi
1 - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
2 - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
کلید واژه: wiggler field, UHW, Growth rate, Raman scattering (RBS), suppression of instability,
چکیده مقاله :
A problem of Raman backscattering of laser beam propagating in a transversely wiggler magnetized plasma is considered in the presence of density ripples. Required dispersion relation of excited upper hybrid wave is derived by using the fluid model and taking into account the coupling between primary upper hybrid wave and density ripples. Using wave equation and nonlinear ponderomotive force and considering the coupling between the sideband wave and the upper hybrid wave, an expression of growth rate of this instability is obtained. The calculations demonstrate that the growth rate decreases by increasing the external magnetic field since the coupling between the scattered wave and upper-hybrid wave is weak and phase matching condition is not well-satisfied for higher external magnetic field. We have observed that instability is suppressed due to the presence of density ripples. Also, the suppression is significant for the case of small wave number density ripples as large faction of energy of upper hybrid electron wave transfers to the secondary hybrid electron wave.
Effect of transverse wiggler magnetic field on the growth rate of Raman backscattering of X-mode laser in rippled density plasma
Manish Dwivedi and Hitendra K. Malik*
Plasma Science and Technology Laboratory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi-110016, India
*Corresponding author: hkmalik@hotmail.com, hkmalik@physics.iitd.ac.in
A problem of Raman backscattering of laser beam propagating in a transversely wiggler magnetized plasma is considered in the presence of density ripples. Required dispersion relation of excited upper hybrid wave is derived by using the fluid model and taking into account the coupling between primary upper hybrid wave and density ripples. Using wave equation and nonlinear ponderomotive force and considering the coupling between the sideband wave and the upper hybrid wave, an expression of growth rate of this instability is obtained. The calculations demonstrate that the growth rate decreases by increasing the external magnetic field since the coupling between the scattered wave and upper-hybrid wave is weak and phase matching condition is not well-satisfied for higher external magnetic field. We have observed that instability is suppressed due to the presence of density ripples. Also, the suppression is significant for the case of small wave number density ripples as large faction of energy of upper hybrid electron wave transfers to the secondary hybrid electron wave.
Raman scattering (RBS), wiggler field, UHW, growth rate, suppression of instability.
1. Introduction
Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) is a parametric instability in which a pump laser () decays resonantly into an electron plasma (
) wave and a scattered electromagnetic wave (
) with a shifted frequency. The necessary condition for the feasibility of the phenomenon can be expressed by the wavenumber and frequency matching condition:
The scattered electromagnetic wave and pump laser produce nonlinear ponderomotive force at their beating frequency and wavenumber, which amplifies the electron plasma wave. The amplified plasma wave and pump laser produces nonlinear current density at (). This feedback mechanism leads to the exponential growth of scattered EM until the waves don’t get saturate in the plasma due to other nonlinear phenomena. The large amplitude plasma wave generated in this process leads to the partial disintegration of the laser pump energy into the plasma. Raman scattering and other mode conversion phenomena such as Brillouin scattering [1] arise in the laser-plasma interaction resulting in inefficient laser-plasma coupling. This makes the practical implementation of laser-plasma interaction such as inertial confinement [2], harmonic generation [3], THz generation [4], and plasma-based accelerators [5] more challenging. In Inertial confinement fusion (ICF), the outer region of the pellet turns into plasma, scattering of the pump laser prevents energy from reaching the critical density for the resonance absorption [6]. Hence, it is essential to study the phenomena which can lead to the inhibition of scattering of the wave. There are several advancements for minimizing the growth rate of such parametric instabilities, such as laser smoothing techniques [7], increasing laser bandwidths [8], high initial plasma temperature [9].
The presence of stationary density ripples introduces spatial inhomogeneity in plasma, here
is equilibrium density,
are relative amplitude and wavenumber of density ripples. There are methods such as Langmuir wave decay (LDI) [10], two-plasmon decay [11], through which density ripples can be generated in plasma. Another method of generating density ripples is the incident of sound waves on a neutral gas which is further ionized by the laser beam [12].
The interaction of upper hybrid electrons waves couples with the stationary electron density ripples and produce the other electrostatic modes () of the same frequency and higher wavenumber, m is an integer. It has been exhibited that this process has no threshold parameters [13]. However, in the weak-coupling limit
it is reasonable to consider the three-wave interaction, i.e.,
is the thermal speed of electrons and K and T are Boltzmann constant and electron temperature, respectively together with
is electron mass [13]. Wang and Feng et al. studied the effects of static sinusoidal density modulation on the growth rate of backward stimulated Raman scattering (BSRS) by kinetic theory and Vlasov stimulation [14]. They observed the transition of SRS from absolute to a convective instability through density modulation. It has been shown that the ions oscillation can reduce the effects of density modulation; consequently, the growth rate of BSRS is high as compared to a fixed ions case. Pathak and Tripathi have found suppressing SRS of laser propagating in rippled density plasma up to 50% at rippled amplitude 40% [15]. They considered the density ripples formed by the counterpropagating laser beams. Zhao et al. have examined the hindrance of SRS due to the excitation of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) [16]. They derived a threshold of plasma density perturbation due to SBS for SRS inhibition. It has been shown through the PIC simulations that this condition can be achieved easily by SBS in the fluid regime, with
But the study of Pathak and Wang constrained to the situation when the wavenumber of ripple density is
2. Coupling of Primary and Secondary Upper Hybrid Waves
We have considered plasma irradiated by a laser beam with the following electric field profile
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
| (8) |
| (9) |
| (10) |
| (11) |
| (12) |
| (13) |
| (14) |
| (15) |
| (16) |
| (17) |