The Impact of the Adoption Business Intelligence among Iranian Banks
محورهای موضوعی : Data Mining
1 - collage of Management and Economics science and research islamic azad university
کلید واژه: Information Technology, improved marketing, data, Business intelligent,
چکیده مقاله :
Business intelligent (BI) technologies have been adopted by different types of organizations. The banking sector is among the service industry that has been largely influenced by technology currently. This has been manifested in the way the operations of banking have evolved from the pure exchange of cheques, cash, as well as other negotiable platforms to the application of IT (information Technology) to transact business in this service industry. The study conducted on impacts of business technologies adoption among Iranian Banks revealed that the adoption has made banking industry in Iran to be competitive and have improved operational efficiencies. However, in terms of Risk reduction, BI technologies if not used appropriately it can lead to the downfall of these banks. BI solutions allow banking industry in Iran to use the available data to exploit the competitive advantage as well as have an improved understanding of the demands and needs of customers by facilitating effective communication.
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