بررسی آزمایشگاهی همافزایی فضولاتگاوی و مادههضمشده با پسماندجامدآلیشهری در فرایند هضمبیهوازی برای افزایش بهرهوری
محورهای موضوعی : انرژی های تجدید پذیر
1 - استادیار گروه شیمی، دانشکده علومپایه، واحد اسلامشهر، دانشگاهآزاداسلامی، تهران، ایران. *(مسوول مکاتبات)
2 - استادیار گروه پژوهشی انرژیهای تجدیدپذیر، پژوهشگاه نیرو، تهران، ایران.
کلید واژه: بیوگاز, پسماندجامدآلی, هضمبیهوازی, مادههضمشده, فضولاتگاوی,
چکیده مقاله :
زمینه و هدف: افزایش نرختولید، حجم و فشار بیوگاز، ترکیبنسبی متان بیوگاز بعنوان منبع انرژیتجدیدپذیر سبب افزایش راندمان میشود. هدف، بررسی تاثیر اختلاط فضولاتگاوی و ماده هضمشده با پسماندجامدآلیشهری بهمنظور دستیابی به بهرهوری بالاتر است.روش بررسی: پسماندجامدآلیشهری بصورت منفرد و مخلوط با مادههضمشده و فضولاتگاوی در مجموعهدستگاهی مقیاسآزمایشگاهی تحت فراورش قرارگرفت. تاثیر اختلاط مادههضمشده و فضولاتگاوی با پسماندجامدآلیشهری ازطریق بررسی خواصشیمی-فیزیکی و آنالیزعنصری خوراک و مادههضمشده، اندازهگیری فشار و حجم بیوگاز، طولدوره هضمبیهوازی و آنالیز اجزاء بیوگاز موردمطالعه و ارزیابی قرارگرفت.یافتهها: اختلاط ماده هضم شده و فضولاتگاوی با پسماندجامدآلی شهری سبب افزایش ترکیبدرصد بخشخشک(آلی و خاکستر)، کربن و نیتروژن خوراک میشود. درصدتبدیل این ترکیبات در هضممشترک پسماند جامدآلیشهری با مخلوط ماده هضم شده و فضولاتگاوی(مرحلهسوم) نسبتبه هضممشترک با ماده هضم شده(مرحلهدوم) و نیز درصدتبدیل مقادیر مذکور حاصل از مرحله دوم نسبتبه هضم منفرد پسماندجامدآلیشهری (مرحلهاول) افزایشمییابد. حجم و فشار بیوگازتولیدی بهازاء واحدجرم خوراک و نیز ترکیبنسبی متان بیوگازتولیدی طیدوره هضم کوتاهتر در مرحلهسوم نسبت به دوم و نیز مرحلهدوم نسبت به اول افزایشمییابد.بحث و نتیجهگیری: اختلاط مادههضمشده و فضولاتگاوی با پسماندهایجامدآلیشهری علاوهبر افزایش بارآلی خوراک، بهعنوان تلقیحکننده در فرایند هضمبیهوازی باهدف افزایش ترکیبنسبی متان بیوگاز ایفاینقشمینماید. حجم و فشار بیوگاز، احتمال تولید و ترکیبدرصد متان بیوگاز افزایشمییابد.
Background and Objective: Increasing production rate, biogas volume and pressure, methane composition are increased efficiency. The effect of adding a mixture of cow manure (CM) and digested to municipal organic solid waste (MOSW) for increase productivity of process is considered.Method: Through three steps single MOSW, CM and digested mixing were treated by laboratory setup. Digested and CM mixing effect with MOSW were studied and evaluated by investigating of physical-chemistry properties, feed and digested elemental analysis, and also biogas pressure and volume measuring, AD time and biogas analysis. Findings: Adding mixture of digested and CM with MOSW increases feed dry part and its carbon and nitrogen content. Transformation rate in MOSW co-digestion with digested and CM mixture (3rd step) compare to co-digestion of MOSW with digested (2rd step) and also conversion percent of mentioned quantities derived from 2rd step compare to single digestion of MOSW (1rd step) are increased. Biogas volume and pressure in base on feed mass unit and also biogas relative component, in 3rd step compare to 2rd and also in 2rd step compare to 1rd are increased.Discussion and Conclusion: Digested and CM mixing with MOSW not only contributes in increasing the organic part of the feed, but also collaborates in inoculation in process and increases the methane generation. Biogas volume and pressure and also methane production efficiency are increased.
- Salehi, K., Khazraee, S. M., Hosseini, F. S. and Khosravanipur, F., Biogas production from kitchen waste and sheep manure in laboratory scale, 2014, Environment Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 16, pp. 401-407. (In Persian)
- Agbede, O. O., Aworanti, O. A., Osuolale, F. N., Adebayo, A. O., Ogunleye, O. O., Agarry, S. E. and Babatunde, K. A., 2019, Anaerobic Conversion of Biodegradable Municipal Solid Waste to Biogas: A Review, Journal of Civil and Environmental Studies, Volume 3, Issue 1.
- Anahita Rabii, Saad Aldin, Yaser Dahman and Elsayed Elbeshbishy, 2019, A Review on Anaerobic Co-Digestion with a Focus on the Microbial Populations and the Effect of Multi-Stage Digester Configuration, Energies, Vol. 12.
- Nazari, A. and Nasiri, J., Anaerobic digester types for energy extraction by corruptible organic materials, Renewable and new energy journal, 2014, Vol. 2. (In Persian)
- Yousefi, L. (translator), 2018, The biogas handbook(science, production and applications); first part: biomass, feed treatment and biogas production, Arthur Wellinger, Jerry Murphy and David Baxter(editors), Issue 1, Tehran, Atran publications. (In Persian)
- L., 2020, Effect of Mixing Digested with Municipal Solid Organic Waste in Biogas Production through Anaerobic Digestion Bath System under Mesophilic Conditions, Green chemistry and sustainable technologies journal, pp. 61-69, http://gcst.ccerci.ac.ir/article_112889.html. (In Persian)
- Singhal, Y., Bansal, S.K., Singh, R., 2012. Evaluation of biogas production from solid waste using pretreatment method in anaerobic condition, International Journal of Emerging Sciences, Vol. 2(3), pp. 405- 414.
- Milono, P., Lindajati, T., Aman, S., 1981, Biogas production from agricultural organic residues, The First ASEAN Seminar-Workshop on Biogas Technology, Working Group on Food waste Materials, pp. 52-65.
- M. and et.al., 2013, Investigation of Cumulative Biogas Production by Olive Waste with cow manure at Mesophilic and Thermophilic Temperatures, Fourth National Iranian Bioenergy Conference, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Rivas-García et al., 2019, New model of hydrolysis in the anaerobic co-digestion of bovine manure with vegetable waste: modification of anaerobic digestion model no. 1, Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, Vol. 19, No. 1 (2020) 109-122.
- Safari, M., Abdi, R. and Adl, M., 2015, Investigation of biogas extraction from rapeseed waste, rumen contents of cow manure, Journal of Systems Engineering Research and Agricultural mechanization, 16, issue 65, pp. 93. (In Persian)
- Almasi, F., Jafari, A., Nosrati, M., Akram, A., Afazeli, H. and Feghhipur, E., Investigating of plug anaerobic digester input feed effect on biogas production, 4th National Bioenergy Conference of Iran, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Swati Hegde and Thomas A. Trabold, 2019, Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste with Unconventional Co-Substrates for Stable Biogas Production at High Organic Loading Rates, Sustainability, Vol. 11, issue 3875.
- Zhang et al., 2016, Biogas from anaerobic digestion processes: Research updates.
Renewable Energy, Vol. 98, 108 – 119. - Langeveld, J. W. A., Guisson, R., Stichnothe, H., 2016, Mobilising sustainable supply chains—biogas cases: Biogas production from municipal solid waste, oil palm residues and co-digestion. International Energy Agency, Paris, pp. 1-98.
- Marañón, E., Castrillón L., Quiroga, G., Fernández-Nava, Y., Gómez, L., García, M. M., 2012, Codigestion of cattle manure with food waste and sludge to increase the bio-gas production. Waste Management, Vol. 32, issue 10, pp. 1821–1825.
- Zhang, C., Xiao, G., Peng, L., Su, H., Tan, T., 2013, the anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and cattle manure, Bio resource Technology, Vol. 129, pp. 170-176.
- Yousefi, L., compare of DRANCO and COMPOGAS anaerobic digestion technology, 2017, 5th international conference on recent innovations chemistry and chemical engineering, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- D. Monson and et.al, 2007, Anaerobic Digestion of Biodegradable Municipal Wastes, A review, SERC.
- Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, 2007, Compost- physical and chemical specifications, ISIRI 10716, 1st edition, isiri.org.ir. (In Persian)
- Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, 1991, method of test for soil: determination of the moisture content (oven-drying method), ISIRI 1677, 3st edition, isiri.org.ir. (In Persian)
- Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, 2010, Compost- sampling and physical and chemical test methods, ISIRI 13320, 1st edition, isiri.org.ir. (In Persian)
- Cui, Z., J. Shi, and Y. Li, 2011, Solid-state anaerobic digestion of spent wheat straw from horse stall. Bio resource Technology, Vol. 102, issue 20, pp. 9432-9437.
- Ghosh, S., 2003, Solid-phase methane fermentation of solid wastes, Institute of gas technology: Chicago, Pandey, A., Solid-state fermentation. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, issue 2, pp. 81-84.
- Mirmohammadsadeghi, S., Karimi, k. and Zamani, A., 2013, Screening of preprocessing methods for optimal presentation of biomethane from rice straw by dry fermentation method, 5th Conference on Renewable, Clean and Efficient Energy, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- D. Monson, S. R. Esteves, A, J, Guwy and R. M. Dinsdale, 2007, Anaerobic Digestion of Biodegradable Municipal Wastes: A Review, ISBN: 978-1-84054-157-1, SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH CENTER (SERC).
- Salehi, K., Khazraee, S. M., Hosseini, F. S. and Khosravanipur, F., Biogas production from kitchen waste and sheep manure in laboratory scale, 2014, Environment Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 16, pp. 401-407. (In Persian)
- Agbede, O. O., Aworanti, O. A., Osuolale, F. N., Adebayo, A. O., Ogunleye, O. O., Agarry, S. E. and Babatunde, K. A., 2019, Anaerobic Conversion of Biodegradable Municipal Solid Waste to Biogas: A Review, Journal of Civil and Environmental Studies, Volume 3, Issue 1.
- Anahita Rabii, Saad Aldin, Yaser Dahman and Elsayed Elbeshbishy, 2019, A Review on Anaerobic Co-Digestion with a Focus on the Microbial Populations and the Effect of Multi-Stage Digester Configuration, Energies, Vol. 12.
- Nazari, A. and Nasiri, J., Anaerobic digester types for energy extraction by corruptible organic materials, Renewable and new energy journal, 2014, Vol. 2. (In Persian)
- Yousefi, L. (translator), 2018, The biogas handbook(science, production and applications); first part: biomass, feed treatment and biogas production, Arthur Wellinger, Jerry Murphy and David Baxter(editors), Issue 1, Tehran, Atran publications. (In Persian)
- L., 2020, Effect of Mixing Digested with Municipal Solid Organic Waste in Biogas Production through Anaerobic Digestion Bath System under Mesophilic Conditions, Green chemistry and sustainable technologies journal, pp. 61-69, http://gcst.ccerci.ac.ir/article_112889.html. (In Persian)
- Singhal, Y., Bansal, S.K., Singh, R., 2012. Evaluation of biogas production from solid waste using pretreatment method in anaerobic condition, International Journal of Emerging Sciences, Vol. 2(3), pp. 405- 414.
- Milono, P., Lindajati, T., Aman, S., 1981, Biogas production from agricultural organic residues, The First ASEAN Seminar-Workshop on Biogas Technology, Working Group on Food waste Materials, pp. 52-65.
- M. and et.al., 2013, Investigation of Cumulative Biogas Production by Olive Waste with cow manure at Mesophilic and Thermophilic Temperatures, Fourth National Iranian Bioenergy Conference, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Rivas-García et al., 2019, New model of hydrolysis in the anaerobic co-digestion of bovine manure with vegetable waste: modification of anaerobic digestion model no. 1, Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, Vol. 19, No. 1 (2020) 109-122.
- Safari, M., Abdi, R. and Adl, M., 2015, Investigation of biogas extraction from rapeseed waste, rumen contents of cow manure, Journal of Systems Engineering Research and Agricultural mechanization, 16, issue 65, pp. 93. (In Persian)
- Almasi, F., Jafari, A., Nosrati, M., Akram, A., Afazeli, H. and Feghhipur, E., Investigating of plug anaerobic digester input feed effect on biogas production, 4th National Bioenergy Conference of Iran, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Swati Hegde and Thomas A. Trabold, 2019, Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste with Unconventional Co-Substrates for Stable Biogas Production at High Organic Loading Rates, Sustainability, Vol. 11, issue 3875.
- Zhang et al., 2016, Biogas from anaerobic digestion processes: Research updates.
Renewable Energy, Vol. 98, 108 – 119. - Langeveld, J. W. A., Guisson, R., Stichnothe, H., 2016, Mobilising sustainable supply chains—biogas cases: Biogas production from municipal solid waste, oil palm residues and co-digestion. International Energy Agency, Paris, pp. 1-98.
- Marañón, E., Castrillón L., Quiroga, G., Fernández-Nava, Y., Gómez, L., García, M. M., 2012, Codigestion of cattle manure with food waste and sludge to increase the bio-gas production. Waste Management, Vol. 32, issue 10, pp. 1821–1825.
- Zhang, C., Xiao, G., Peng, L., Su, H., Tan, T., 2013, the anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and cattle manure, Bio resource Technology, Vol. 129, pp. 170-176.
- Yousefi, L., compare of DRANCO and COMPOGAS anaerobic digestion technology, 2017, 5th international conference on recent innovations chemistry and chemical engineering, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- D. Monson and et.al, 2007, Anaerobic Digestion of Biodegradable Municipal Wastes, A review, SERC.
- Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, 2007, Compost- physical and chemical specifications, ISIRI 10716, 1st edition, isiri.org.ir. (In Persian)
- Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, 1991, method of test for soil: determination of the moisture content (oven-drying method), ISIRI 1677, 3st edition, isiri.org.ir. (In Persian)
- Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, 2010, Compost- sampling and physical and chemical test methods, ISIRI 13320, 1st edition, isiri.org.ir. (In Persian)
- Cui, Z., J. Shi, and Y. Li, 2011, Solid-state anaerobic digestion of spent wheat straw from horse stall. Bio resource Technology, Vol. 102, issue 20, pp. 9432-9437.
- Ghosh, S., 2003, Solid-phase methane fermentation of solid wastes, Institute of gas technology: Chicago, Pandey, A., Solid-state fermentation. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, issue 2, pp. 81-84.
- Mirmohammadsadeghi, S., Karimi, k. and Zamani, A., 2013, Screening of preprocessing methods for optimal presentation of biomethane from rice straw by dry fermentation method, 5th Conference on Renewable, Clean and Efficient Energy, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- D. Monson, S. R. Esteves, A, J, Guwy and R. M. Dinsdale, 2007, Anaerobic Digestion of Biodegradable Municipal Wastes: A Review, ISBN: 978-1-84054-157-1, SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH CENTER (SERC).