بررسی همبستگی فضایی-زمانی میان روند تغییرات کاربری زمین و نوسانات کمی آب زیرزمینی در دشت اردبیل
محورهای موضوعی : آب و محیط زیستوحید امینی پارسا 1 , علی عزیزی 2 , بهرام ملک محمدی 3 , بابک خیاط رستمی 4
1 - دکتری برنامهریزی محیطزیست، دانشکده محیطزیست، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران.
2 - استادیار مؤسسه مطالعات و مدیریت جامع و تخصصی جمعیت کشور، تهران، ایران. * (مسوول مکاتبات)
3 - دانشیار گروه مدیریت، برنامهریزی و آموزش محیطزیست، دانشکده محیطزیست، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران.
4 - کارشناس ارشد عمران، سازه های هیدرولیکی شرکت آب منطقه ای اردبیل.
کلید واژه: کاربری زمین, CORRELAT, REGRESS, دشت اردبیل, آب زیرزمینی,
چکیده مقاله :
زمینه و هدف: درک ارتباط فضایی-زمانی تغییرات کاربری زمین و منابع آب زیرزمینی برای مدیریت مؤثر و پایدار دشتهای ممنوعه بسیار حایز اهمیت است. این تحقیق درصدد بررسی ارتباط بین تغییرات کاربری زمین و نوسانات عمق سطح آب زیرزمینی در دشت ممنوعه اردبیل میباشد. روش بررسی: نقشههای کاربری زمین برای سالهای 1989، 1998، 2009 و 2014 از تصاویر ماهوراهای لندست استخراج و طبقهبندی شد و سپس مورد ارزیابی صحت قرار گرفت. همچنین نقشههای پراکنش عمق آب زیرزمینی با روش کریجینگ برای چهار دوره از دادههای پیزومتری تهیه شد. همبستگی و ارتباط بین تغییرات کاربری زمین و نوسانات عمق آب زیرزمینی توسط روشهای REGRESS و CORRELATE صورت پذیرفت. یافتهها: روند تغییرات کاربری زمین نشاندهنده افزایش مناطق انسانساخت (1/5 درصد) و کشاورزی (57/10 درصد) و بهتبع آن کاهش زمینهای بایر (78/14 درصد) و جنگل (88/0 درصد) میباشد. همچنین عمق سطح آب زیرزمینی در 25 سال گذشته 27/6 متر کاهشیافته است. مقدار R حاصل از روش REGRESS بین 35/0 تا 54/0 در دورههای مطالعاتی به دست آمد. ارزش R2 حاصل از CORRELATE برای تکتک پیکسلها نشاندهنده ارتباط مستقیم بین توسعه زمینهای کشاورزی و مناطق انسانساخت و کاهش مراتع با روند کاهشی عمق سطح آب زیرزمینی میباشد. بحث و نتیجهگیری: نتایج بیان گر قابلیت تکنیکهای RS و GIS به همراه مدلهای آماری مبتنی بر تحلیلهای رگرسیونی در بررسی ارتباط بین تغییرات کاربری زمین و نوسانات عمق سطح آب زیرزمینی میباشد. نتایج و رهیافت تحقیق حاضر میتواند در مدیریت، برنامهریزی و سیاستگذاری منابع آب زیرزمینی در دشتهای ممنوعه بهخصوص دشت اردبیل مؤثر واقع شود و همچنین در انتخاب و شناسایی مکانهای اولویتدار برای مدیریت کاربریها و آبهای زیرزمینی مورداستفاده قرار گیرد.
Background and Objectives: Understanding spatiotemporal relationship between Land use/cover changes (LUCCs) and groundwater quantity changes is vital to efficient and sustainable restricted plain management. This study aims to analyze relationship between LUCCs and groundwater quantity changes in the Ardabil restricted plain. Method: The land use maps were extracted and classified from four Landsat images for 1989, 1998, 2009, and 2014. Then the classified images accuracy was assessed. The groundwater depth distribution maps extracted from piezometric data using Kriging method for the same times. REGRESS and CORRELATE modules in Idrise Selva package used to analyze relation between LUCCs and groundwater depth changes in the study area. Findings: Results indicated the incremental trend in human built environment (5.1%) and agricultural land (10.57%) at the expense of decreasing in bare land (14.78%) and forestland (0.88%). The average groundwater depth decline was about 6.27 meters over past studied 25 years. All the obtained R values from REGRESS model were between 0.35 and 0.54 for different studied periods. The R2 values from CORRELATE for each cells confirmed the direct spatiotemporal relationship between the occurred LUCCs and groundwater quantity changes within the study area. Discussion and Conclusion: This study shows the ability of RS and GIS techniques alongside statistical models based on regression analyzing is useful to analyze relation between dynamic LUCCs and groundwater depth changes. The results and applied approach can be useful in efficient management, planning and policy making of restricted plains and also in identifying priority zones for land use and groundwater management.
- Döll P, Hoffmann-Dobrev H, Portmann F, Siebert S, Eicker A, Rodell M, et al. 2012. Impact of water withdrawals from groundwater and surface water on continental water storage variations. Journal of Geodynamics;59:143-56.
- Margat J, Van der Gun J. 2013. Groundwater around the world: a geographic synopsis: CRC Press
- Foster S, Chilton J, Nijsten G-J, Richts A. 2013. Groundwater—a global focus on the ‘local resource’. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability;5(6):685-95.
- Partnership GW. 2014. The links between land use and groundwater-Governance provisions and management strategies to secure a ‘sustainable harves.
- Calow R, Robins N, MacDonald A, Macdonald D, Gibbs B, Orpen W, et al. 1997. Groundwater management in drought-prone areas of Africa. International Journal of Water Resources Development;13(2):241-62.
- Eastman J. 2012. IDRISI Selva Tutorial. Idrisi Production, Clark Labs-Clark University.;45.
- Sato K, Iwasa Y. 2011. Groundwater hydraulics: Springer Science & Business Media;.
- Schwartz FW, Zhang H. 2003. Fundamentals of ground water: Wiley New York;.
- Xu, Y., Mo, X., Cai, Y., & Li, X. 2005. Analysis on groundwater table drawdown by land use and the quest for sustainable water use in the Hebei Plain in China. Agricultural Water Management, 75(1), 38-53.
- Scanlon BR, Reedy RC, Stonestrom DA, Prudic DE, Dennehy KF. 2005. Impact of land use and land cover change on groundwater recharge and quality in the southwestern US. Global Change Biology.;11(10):1577-93.
- Lerner DN, Harris B. 2009. The relationship between land use and groundwater resources and quality. Land Use Policy.;26:S265-S73.
- Singh CK, Shashtri S, Mukherjee S, Kumari R, Avatar R, Singh A, et al. 2011. Application of GWQI to assess effect of land use change on groundwater quality in lower Shiwaliks of Punjab: remote sensing and GIS based approach. Water resources management.;25(7):1881-98.
- Mishra N, Khare D, Gupta K, Shukla R. 2014. Impact of Land Use Change on Groundwater‐A Review. Advances in Water Resource and Protection; 2:28-41.
- Javi ST, Malekmohammadi B, Mokhtari H. 2014. Application of geographically weighted regression model to analysis of spatiotemporal varying relationships between groundwater quantity and land use changes (case study: Khanmirza Plain, Iran). Environmental monitoring and assessment.;186(5):3123-38.
- Galalizadeh, S. 2011. Investigating the role of land use in the quality of groundwater resources (Case study of Karaj aquifer).Thesis: University of Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
- Taghipour Javi, Sh. 2012. Analyzing land use changes in relation to the reduction of groundwater resources in Khanmirza plain, Thesis, University of Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Nasrollahi, M., Mombeni, M., Valizadeh, S., Khosravi, H. 2014. Investigating the Effect of Land use / Land cover Changes Trendon Groundwater Resources Status, using Satellite images (Case study: Gilan-e gharb plain). Scientific- Research Quarterly of Geographical Data (SEPEHR), 23(91), 89-97 .(In Persian)
- Zhang, L., Dawes, W. R., & Walker, G. R. 2001. Response of mean annual evapotranspiration to vegetation changes at catchment scale. Water resources research, 37(3), 701-708.
- Alley WM, Reilly TE, Franke OL. 1999. Sustainability of ground-water resources: US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey
- Wang G, Yang L, Chen L, Wa T. 2005. Impacts of land use changes on groundwater resources in the Heihe River Basin. Acta Geogr Sin; 60(3):456-66.
- Madani K. 2014. Water management in Iran: what is causing the looming crisis? Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.;4(4):315-28.
- Kord M, Moghaddam AA. 2014. Spatial analysis of Ardabil plain aquifer potable groundwater using fuzzy logic. Journal of King Saud University-Science.;26(2):129-40. (In Persian)
- Janfeshan, B. 2010. Supply of water shortage in Ardabil plain by water transfer between basins. Third National Conference on Irrigation and Drainage Networks Management; Ahvaz: Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. (In Persian)
- Abanpajoh. 2015. Ardabil water supply projects. Iran Ministry of Energy. (In Persian)
- Maali Ahari, N. 2011. Investigation the role of groundwater withdrawal on future possible subsidence in Ardabil plain by using GIS. Thesis, Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran. (in Persian)
- Abedini, M. (2013). Investigation of the causes of subsidence in Ardabil plain and its effects on the Urban Area. Journal of Physical Geography, 6(19), 71-84. (In Persian)
- Kord, M., Asghari-moghaddam, A. 2014. Evaluation of drinking water quality of Ardabil plain aquifer by cokriging and fuzzy logic. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation, 21(5), 225-240. (In Persian)
- Nejadi, A. 2012. Developing a decision support system for protected area management based on land use change modeling, PhD Thesis: University of Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
- Amini parsa, V. 2014. Modeling the Possible Effects of Surrounding Land Use Change on Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve Management. Thesis, University of Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
- Foody GM. 2002. Status of land cover classification accuracy assessment. Remote sensing of environment.;80(1):185-201.
- Viera, A. J., & Garrett, J. M. 2005. Understanding interobserver agreement: the kappa statistic. Fam med, 37(5), 360-363.
- Shrestha PM. 2006. Comparison of ordinary least square regression, spatial autoregression, and geographically weighted regression for modeling forest structural attributes using a geographical information system (GIS)/remote sensing (RS) approach: university of calgary.
- Döll P, Hoffmann-Dobrev H, Portmann F, Siebert S, Eicker A, Rodell M, et al. 2012. Impact of water withdrawals from groundwater and surface water on continental water storage variations. Journal of Geodynamics;59:143-56.
- Margat J, Van der Gun J. 2013. Groundwater around the world: a geographic synopsis: CRC Press
- Foster S, Chilton J, Nijsten G-J, Richts A. 2013. Groundwater—a global focus on the ‘local resource’. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability;5(6):685-95.
- Partnership GW. 2014. The links between land use and groundwater-Governance provisions and management strategies to secure a ‘sustainable harves.
- Calow R, Robins N, MacDonald A, Macdonald D, Gibbs B, Orpen W, et al. 1997. Groundwater management in drought-prone areas of Africa. International Journal of Water Resources Development;13(2):241-62.
- Eastman J. 2012. IDRISI Selva Tutorial. Idrisi Production, Clark Labs-Clark University.;45.
- Sato K, Iwasa Y. 2011. Groundwater hydraulics: Springer Science & Business Media;.
- Schwartz FW, Zhang H. 2003. Fundamentals of ground water: Wiley New York;.
- Xu, Y., Mo, X., Cai, Y., & Li, X. 2005. Analysis on groundwater table drawdown by land use and the quest for sustainable water use in the Hebei Plain in China. Agricultural Water Management, 75(1), 38-53.
- Scanlon BR, Reedy RC, Stonestrom DA, Prudic DE, Dennehy KF. 2005. Impact of land use and land cover change on groundwater recharge and quality in the southwestern US. Global Change Biology.;11(10):1577-93.
- Lerner DN, Harris B. 2009. The relationship between land use and groundwater resources and quality. Land Use Policy.;26:S265-S73.
- Singh CK, Shashtri S, Mukherjee S, Kumari R, Avatar R, Singh A, et al. 2011. Application of GWQI to assess effect of land use change on groundwater quality in lower Shiwaliks of Punjab: remote sensing and GIS based approach. Water resources management.;25(7):1881-98.
- Mishra N, Khare D, Gupta K, Shukla R. 2014. Impact of Land Use Change on Groundwater‐A Review. Advances in Water Resource and Protection; 2:28-41.
- Javi ST, Malekmohammadi B, Mokhtari H. 2014. Application of geographically weighted regression model to analysis of spatiotemporal varying relationships between groundwater quantity and land use changes (case study: Khanmirza Plain, Iran). Environmental monitoring and assessment.;186(5):3123-38.
- Galalizadeh, S. 2011. Investigating the role of land use in the quality of groundwater resources (Case study of Karaj aquifer).Thesis: University of Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
- Taghipour Javi, Sh. 2012. Analyzing land use changes in relation to the reduction of groundwater resources in Khanmirza plain, Thesis, University of Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Nasrollahi, M., Mombeni, M., Valizadeh, S., Khosravi, H. 2014. Investigating the Effect of Land use / Land cover Changes Trendon Groundwater Resources Status, using Satellite images (Case study: Gilan-e gharb plain). Scientific- Research Quarterly of Geographical Data (SEPEHR), 23(91), 89-97 .(In Persian)
- Zhang, L., Dawes, W. R., & Walker, G. R. 2001. Response of mean annual evapotranspiration to vegetation changes at catchment scale. Water resources research, 37(3), 701-708.
- Alley WM, Reilly TE, Franke OL. 1999. Sustainability of ground-water resources: US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey
- Wang G, Yang L, Chen L, Wa T. 2005. Impacts of land use changes on groundwater resources in the Heihe River Basin. Acta Geogr Sin; 60(3):456-66.
- Madani K. 2014. Water management in Iran: what is causing the looming crisis? Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.;4(4):315-28.
- Kord M, Moghaddam AA. 2014. Spatial analysis of Ardabil plain aquifer potable groundwater using fuzzy logic. Journal of King Saud University-Science.;26(2):129-40. (In Persian)
- Janfeshan, B. 2010. Supply of water shortage in Ardabil plain by water transfer between basins. Third National Conference on Irrigation and Drainage Networks Management; Ahvaz: Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. (In Persian)
- Abanpajoh. 2015. Ardabil water supply projects. Iran Ministry of Energy. (In Persian)
- Maali Ahari, N. 2011. Investigation the role of groundwater withdrawal on future possible subsidence in Ardabil plain by using GIS. Thesis, Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran. (in Persian)
- Abedini, M. (2013). Investigation of the causes of subsidence in Ardabil plain and its effects on the Urban Area. Journal of Physical Geography, 6(19), 71-84. (In Persian)
- Kord, M., Asghari-moghaddam, A. 2014. Evaluation of drinking water quality of Ardabil plain aquifer by cokriging and fuzzy logic. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation, 21(5), 225-240. (In Persian)
- Nejadi, A. 2012. Developing a decision support system for protected area management based on land use change modeling, PhD Thesis: University of Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
- Amini parsa, V. 2014. Modeling the Possible Effects of Surrounding Land Use Change on Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve Management. Thesis, University of Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
- Foody GM. 2002. Status of land cover classification accuracy assessment. Remote sensing of environment.;80(1):185-201.
- Viera, A. J., & Garrett, J. M. 2005. Understanding interobserver agreement: the kappa statistic. Fam med, 37(5), 360-363.
- Shrestha PM. 2006. Comparison of ordinary least square regression, spatial autoregression, and geographically weighted regression for modeling forest structural attributes using a geographical information system (GIS)/remote sensing (RS) approach: university of calgary.