بهینه سازی زمان ماند در مخزن ویژه آتش نشانی و تأثیر آن بر کیفیت آب در مخزن (مطالعه موردی پساب تصفیه خانه فاضلاب شهرک غرب تهران)
محورهای موضوعی : آب و محیط زیستهادی والهی ریکنده 1 , ناصر مهردادی 2 , غلامرضا نبی بیدهندی 3 , محمد جواد امیری 4
1 - دانشجوی دکتری مهندسی محیط زیست، پردیس کیش دانشگاه تهران ، ایران. * (مسوول مکاتبات)
2 - استاد دانشکده محیط زیست، دانشگاه تهران ، تهران، ایران.
3 - استاد دانشکده محیط زیست، دانشگاه تهران ، تهران، ایران.
4 - استادیار دانشکده محیط زیست، دانشگاه تهران
کلید واژه: انعقاد و لخته سازی الکتریکی, استفاده مجدد, تصفیه مجدد, آب آتشنشانی,
چکیده مقاله :
زمینه وهدف: بهینهسازی مخازن ویژه اطفاء حریق در شرایط بحران (زلزله) با تأکید بر استفاده از پساب تصفیهشده فاضلاب شهرى بهنحویکه مقدار آب لازم جهت اطفاء حریق پس از زلزله تامین گردد. روش بررسی: دراین تحقیق به منظور ارتقاء کیفیت پساب خروجی تصفیهخانه و امکان استفاده از آن به عنوان منبع آب آتشنشانی، از پساب تصفیه خانه فاضلاب شهرک غرب به عنوان واحد تحلیل استفاده شد. انجام آزمایشهای کیفی بر روی نمونه های تهیه شده با ظروف 20 لیتر در آزمایشگاه دانشگاه تهران و در سال 99 صورت پذیرفت. به عبارت دیگر روش اجرای پژوهش حاضر آزمایشگاهی بوده است. ابزار جمعآوری اطلاعات در این پژوهش متشکل از pH متر، TDSسنج، اسپکتروفوتومترDR5000، کدورتسنج، راکتور حرارتی بوده است. یافته ها: نتایج آنالیزهای کیفی بر روی پساب خام نشان داد که تعدادی از نمونه ها قابل استفاده به عنوان آب آتشنشانی نمی باشند. آزمایشها نشان داد که پارمترهای pH، TDS، فسفات، کلراید، سولفات، میزان سختی کل، سیلیکا، جامدات معلق، هدایت الکتریکی آهن و منگنز با فرایند تصفیه بیولوژیکی در محدوده استفاده به عنوان منبع آب آتشنشانی قرار گرفته و تنها در یک نمونه به علت بالا بودن میزان COD این استاندارد برآورد نشده است. در همین راستا به علت عدم تطابق پارامترهای شیمیایی-فیزیکی با استاندارد استفاده مجدد از پساب، بر روی این پساب: الف) فرایند انعقاد و لخته سازی الکتریکی/ تهنشینی، به عنوان مرحله تصفیه تکمیلی و کمک گندزدا مورد بررسی قرار گرفت که نتایج کیفی این واحد تصفیه بعد از انجام گندزدایی با هیپوکلرید سدیم، میزان پارامترهای میکروبی شامل: کلیفرم مدفوعی، کل کلیفرم، تخم انگل نیز اندازه گیری گردید. نتایج فرایند انعقاد و لخته سازی الکتریکی با صفحات آهنی و فاصله 5 سانتی متری از هم با ولتاژ 5 آمپر تمامی نمونه ها استاندارد فیزیکی- شیمیایی و میکروبی آب آتشنشانی را برآورد کردند. ب) همچنین پساب خام در زمان های ماندهای 1، 2، 5، 10، 24، 48 و 72 ساعت در ظروف 20 لیتری نگهداری و تاثیر زمان ماند بر کیفیت این پساب اندازه گیری شد. بحث و نتیجه گیری: نتایج این آنالیزها نشان داد که تا زمان ماند 72 ساعت پارامترهای کیفی (به استثنای سختی و میزان سولفات) کاهش پیدا کردند. ولی به علت افزایش بو ناشی از افزایش غلظت سولفات در پساب با زمان ماند بیش از 72 ساعت به عنوان منبع آب آتشنشانی قابل استفاده نمی باشد.
Background and Objective: Freshwater scarcity is leading the world to research into the reuse and recycling of industrial wastewater. Material and Methodology: In this research, in order to improve the quality of the effluent of the treatment plant and the possibility of using it as a source of fire water, the effluent of the wastewater treatment plant of Gharb town was used as an analysis unit. On-site sampling and qualitative tests were performed on samples prepared in 20 liter containers in Tehran University Laboratory. In other words, the method of conducting the present study was laboratory. Data collection tools in this study consisted of pH meter, TDS meter, spectrophotometer DR5000, turbidimeter, and thermal reactor. Finding: This research investigates on Electro-Coagulation and Hydraulic Retention time and the way that it effects on treated wastewater Quality, for so, 9 samples with 20 liters’ plastic pot has been taken and examined in different contact time including 1, 2, 5, 10, 24, 48, 72 hours. The results show that all goals parameters (pH, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Phosphate, chloride, Sulfate, total Hardness, Silica, suspended solid (SS), Iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mg) are in standard Range but there is in one sample the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) was not in standard Range. Also the experiment shows that all parameters concentration was decreased by time except Hardness and Sulfate which were increase. Also Biologic Parameters examined as well and they were on standard Range. Discussion and Conclusion: The results show that the treated wastewater Quality was in Standard Range till 72th hours and after this time due to rapid increasing of Sulfate and increasing of its smell it not suitable for use as water source in firefighting. Further more 9 other samples had been examined after using Electro-coagulation as an advanced treatment and disinfection aid fallowing by Sodium hypochlorite disinfection, the result shows that COD is decreased and all parameters got better for reuse, especially Biological parameters.
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- Zamani&Taeebi, gray water reuse and treated wastewater qualities for domestic reuse towards sustainable development of water resources in the country. Journal of Human and Environment, 2010. (In Persian)
- NaserGhafor, Water in Firefighting. Urban and rural management of municipalities of rural areas of the country. (In Persian)
- National Standard Organization, Water reuse in municipal reuse. Satandard No. 15633. 2018. (In Persian)
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- Teh XY, PohC3:C23 PE, Gouwanda D, Chong MN (2015) Decentralized light greywater treatment using aerobic digestion and hydrogen peroxide disinfection for non-potable reuse. J Clean Prod 99:305–311. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.03.015
- Gorjian S, Ghobadian B (2015) Solar desalination: A sustainable solution to water crisis in Iran. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 48:571–584. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2015.04.009
- Kim J, Song I, Oh H, et al (2009) A laboratory-scale graywater treatment system based on a membrane filtration and oxidation process — characteristics of graywater from a residential complex. Desalination 238:347–357. doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2008.08.001
- Jefferson B, Laine A, Parsons S, et al (2000) Technologies for domestic wastewater recycling.
- Can, O. T., et al. "Treatment of the textile wastewater by combined electrocoagulation." Chemosphere 62.2 (2006): 181-187.
- Yüksel, Evrim, İ. AyhanŞengil, and MahmutÖzacar. "The removal of sodium dodecyl sulfate in synthetic wastewater by peroxi-electrocoagulation method." Chemical Engineering Journal 152.2-3 (2009): 347-353.
- Den, Walter, and Chia-Jung Wang. "Removal of silica from brackish water by electrocoagulation pretreatment to prevent fouling of reverse osmosis membranes." Separation and Purification Technology 59.3 (2008): 318-325.
- Dargahei, A., M. pirsaheb, M.T. Savadpour, M. Alighadr and M. farrokhi. (2010). The effect of residence time and temperature on the efficiency of the stabilization pond system in oil wastewater treatment. Journal of olomvateqnologhymohitezist, 2(61), Pp: 13-24.
- The application of electrocoagulation process for wastewater treatment and for the separation and purification of biological media. Chemical and Process Engineering. Université Clermont
Auvergne, 2017. English. NNT : 2017CLFAC024. tel-01719756. - Zaleschi, Laura, et al. "Electrochemical coagulation of treated wastewaters for reuse." Desalination and water treatment 51.16-18 (2013): 3381-3388.
- Mamelkina, Maria A., et al. "Removal of sulfate from mining waters by electrocoagulation." Separation and Purification Technology 182 (2017): 87-93.
- Zhao, Shan, et al. "Hardness, COD and turbidity removals from produced water by electrocoagulation pretreatment prior to reverse osmosis membranes." Desalination 344 (2014): 454-462.
- Hashim, Khalid S., et al. "Energy efficient electrocoagulation using baffle-plates electrodes for efficient Escherichia coli removal from wastewater." Journal of Water Process Engineering 33 (2020): 101079.
- Cotillas, Salvador, et al. "Optimization of an integrated electrodisinfection/electrocoagulation process with Al bipolar electrodes for urban wastewater reclamation." Water research 47.5 (2013): 1741-1750.
- Anfruns-Estrada, Eduard, et al. "Inactivation of microbiota from urban wastewater by single and sequential electrocoagulation and electro-Fenton treatments." Water research 126 (2017): 450-459
- Ghernaout, Djamel, Mabrouk Touahmia, and Mohamed Aichouni. "Disinfecting water: Electrocoagulation as an efficient process." Applied Engineering 3 (2019): 1-12.
- Englehardt JD, Wu T, Tchobanoglous G (2013) Urban net-zero water treatment and mineralization: Experiments, modeling and design. Water Res 47:4680–4691. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.026
- Neto, S.J. &Mainier, Fernando & Cruz Moreira, Marcos. (2014). Water reuse and its importance for firefighting training of offshore workers. Boletim do ObservatórioAmbiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. 8. 47-56. 10.19180/2177-4560.v8n214-04.
- AbdolahyMayvan, Hasan nejead, Garaii, Investigation of drying index in Iran, the First National Conference of Drought and climate change. 2011. (In Persian)
- Zamani&Taeebi, gray water reuse and treated wastewater qualities for domestic reuse towards sustainable development of water resources in the country. Journal of Human and Environment, 2010. (In Persian)
- NaserGhafor, Water in Firefighting. Urban and rural management of municipalities of rural areas of the country. (In Persian)
- National Standard Organization, Water reuse in municipal reuse. Satandard No. 15633. 2018. (In Persian)
- Environmental Regulations of Water Reusing in Iran. No. 535. 2010
- Environmental Regulations of Row Water, Water Reuse for Industrial and outgoing resources. Bouget and Planning Organization. No 462. (In Persian)
- Teh XY, PohC3:C23 PE, Gouwanda D, Chong MN (2015) Decentralized light greywater treatment using aerobic digestion and hydrogen peroxide disinfection for non-potable reuse. J Clean Prod 99:305–311. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.03.015
- Gorjian S, Ghobadian B (2015) Solar desalination: A sustainable solution to water crisis in Iran. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 48:571–584. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2015.04.009
- Kim J, Song I, Oh H, et al (2009) A laboratory-scale graywater treatment system based on a membrane filtration and oxidation process — characteristics of graywater from a residential complex. Desalination 238:347–357. doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2008.08.001
- Jefferson B, Laine A, Parsons S, et al (2000) Technologies for domestic wastewater recycling.
- Can, O. T., et al. "Treatment of the textile wastewater by combined electrocoagulation." Chemosphere 62.2 (2006): 181-187.
- Yüksel, Evrim, İ. AyhanŞengil, and MahmutÖzacar. "The removal of sodium dodecyl sulfate in synthetic wastewater by peroxi-electrocoagulation method." Chemical Engineering Journal 152.2-3 (2009): 347-353.
- Den, Walter, and Chia-Jung Wang. "Removal of silica from brackish water by electrocoagulation pretreatment to prevent fouling of reverse osmosis membranes." Separation and Purification Technology 59.3 (2008): 318-325.
- Dargahei, A., M. pirsaheb, M.T. Savadpour, M. Alighadr and M. farrokhi. (2010). The effect of residence time and temperature on the efficiency of the stabilization pond system in oil wastewater treatment. Journal of olomvateqnologhymohitezist, 2(61), Pp: 13-24.
- The application of electrocoagulation process for wastewater treatment and for the separation and purification of biological media. Chemical and Process Engineering. Université Clermont
Auvergne, 2017. English. NNT : 2017CLFAC024. tel-01719756. - Zaleschi, Laura, et al. "Electrochemical coagulation of treated wastewaters for reuse." Desalination and water treatment 51.16-18 (2013): 3381-3388.
- Mamelkina, Maria A., et al. "Removal of sulfate from mining waters by electrocoagulation." Separation and Purification Technology 182 (2017): 87-93.
- Zhao, Shan, et al. "Hardness, COD and turbidity removals from produced water by electrocoagulation pretreatment prior to reverse osmosis membranes." Desalination 344 (2014): 454-462.
- Hashim, Khalid S., et al. "Energy efficient electrocoagulation using baffle-plates electrodes for efficient Escherichia coli removal from wastewater." Journal of Water Process Engineering 33 (2020): 101079.
- Cotillas, Salvador, et al. "Optimization of an integrated electrodisinfection/electrocoagulation process with Al bipolar electrodes for urban wastewater reclamation." Water research 47.5 (2013): 1741-1750.
- Anfruns-Estrada, Eduard, et al. "Inactivation of microbiota from urban wastewater by single and sequential electrocoagulation and electro-Fenton treatments." Water research 126 (2017): 450-459
- Ghernaout, Djamel, Mabrouk Touahmia, and Mohamed Aichouni. "Disinfecting water: Electrocoagulation as an efficient process." Applied Engineering 3 (2019): 1-12.
- Englehardt JD, Wu T, Tchobanoglous G (2013) Urban net-zero water treatment and mineralization: Experiments, modeling and design. Water Res 47:4680–4691. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.026
- Neto, S.J. &Mainier, Fernando & Cruz Moreira, Marcos. (2014). Water reuse and its importance for firefighting training of offshore workers. Boletim do ObservatórioAmbiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. 8. 47-56. 10.19180/2177-4560.v8n214-04.