The Relationship between teaching reading strategies to hotel staff and its effects on their attitudes: Learners’ Autonomy, Reading Strategies, and Reading Comprehension
محورهای موضوعی : Geography and tourism planning, geography and urban planning, urban planning, architecture, geography and rural planning, political geography
Ashraf Vaziri
Hamed Barjesteh
1 - Ph.D. student in TEFL, Dept. of English Language and Literature,Islamic Azad University, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Amol, Iran
2 - Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Dept. of English Language and Literature,Islamic Azad University, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Amol, Iran
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چکیده مقاله :
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between teaching reading strategies to hotel staff and its effects on their attitudes: Learners’ Autonomy, Reading Strategies, and Reading Comprehension. To accomplish this object, 130 ESP learners were asked to take part in a piloted PET reading comprehension test and two questionnaires on learner autonomy (Spratt, Humphreys, & Chan, 2002), and reading strategies (Mokhtari & Sheorey, 2002). After removing incomplete answer sheets, 106 (82 female and 24 male) acceptable cases were used in statistical analysis. Pearson Product Correlation analysis pointed out a statistically significant relationship between ESP learners’ autonomy and reading strategies. It was also exposed that the participants’ reading comprehension is positively correlated with their reading strategies. Though, a statistically significant relationship was not established between autonomy and reading comprehension.
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