Design and Analysis of Bicycle Helmet Made of PETg and ABS with Honeycomb Structure Against External Impacts using Abaqus Software
محورهای موضوعی : Mechanical Engineering
sajjad pakzad
ahad shah hoseini
Maryam Dehghani
amir bahador khalkhali
1 - Faculty of Design, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran
2 - Faculty of Design, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran
3 - M.Sc. Student, Faculty of Design, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran
4 - M.Sc. Student, Faculty of Design, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran
کلید واژه: Stress Analysis, Honeycomb, Bicycle Helmet, ABAQUS,
چکیده مقاله :
The bicycle helmet has a significant role in reducing and preventing impact because of reducing the deceleration of the skull, spreading the area over which the forces of the impact reach them and preventing direct contact between the skull and the impacting object. Honeycomb structure, due to its elastic properties, extends the energy absorption time of the whole structure and also increases the ability of the whole structure to absorb energy. Therefore, it can be used in the liner designing of a helmet to reduce velocity, energy, and acceleration in impacts. In this paper, intending to identify the minimum stress transmitted to the helmet during an impact, we used Rhino software to model a helmet with honeycomb liner and outer shell and then analyzed it in Abaqus software. Due to the fact that the size of various parts of the head is different in people, so for more comfort and safety, the use of customized-helmet is emphasized. To design and make a customized-helmet, the materials used in designing the helmet are ABS and PETg filaments, which can be used in 3D printing. These two materials have been analyzed with four compositions for the liner and the shell of the helmet. The results show that the best combination of the helmet with Minimum stress transmission and appropriate plastic strain due to impact is the helmet case with honeycomb liner of PETg and a shell made of ABS.
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