Contrastive Rhetoric Analysis of English and Persian News
محورهای موضوعی : Research in English Language Pedagogy
1 - Malek Ashtar University
کلید واژه: Schematic Structure of Editorials, English and Persian Languages, News genre,
چکیده مقاله :
News has played a vital role in peoples’ and governments’ decision making. As such, the source and reliability of the news are of equal or even more significance than the news itself and that makes reporting the news a challenging and critical profession. Accordingly, investigating how news is reported is essential and further it would be illuminating to see how different news reporting organizations and cultures report their news for their readers. This study compared the Persian and English news to explore the similarities and differences between two languages. Utilizing Schematic Structure of Editorials (Based on van Dijk, 1992, 1995) to analyze the data, the researcher found significant similarities and differences between Persian and English in terms of genre of news.
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