Revised EECBSR for Energy Efficient and Reliable Routing in WBAN
محورهای موضوعی : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication DevicesAarti Sangwan 1 , Partha Bhattacharya 2
1 - Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh
2 - Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh
کلید واژه: EECBSR, routing, reliability, Energy efficient, Delay, path loss, WBAN, en,
چکیده مقاله :
A Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is capable of performing autonomous sensing of physiological signals of the human body without interrupting their normal activities. It consists of various intelligent, miniature and low power bio-sensor nodes placed on or in the close proximity of the human body. Routing in WBANs is a major issue as the reliability of a network depends on routing. Complex structure and mobile nature of human body are the main obstacles while designing routing protocols for WBANs. In this work, we have revised the performance of EECBSR (Even Energy Consumption and Back Side Routing) protocol by selecting a forwarder node with minimum cost function. Minimum distance of nodes from sink, residual energies of individual nodes and the total residual energy of the network are used to formulate the cost function in Revised-EECBSR. Sensor nodes are deployed on front side and as well as back side on the human body. Results show that REVISED-EECBSR performs better in terms of throughput, path loss, delay and network's stability than existing EECBSR protocol.
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