The Role of Critical Thinking Disposition in Enhancing Argumentative Writing Skill: Iranian EFL Teachers’ and Learners’ Perspective
محورهای موضوعی : Applied Linguistics
Shaho Hoorijani
Hossein Heidari Tabrizi
Mohsen Masoomi
1 - English Department, Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch Isfahan, Iran
2 - English Department, Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch Isfahan, Iran
3 - English Department, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Kurdistan, Iran
کلید واژه: Argumentative Writing, EFL learners’ Attitude, CCTDI Questionnaire, EFL Teachers’ Attitude,
چکیده مقاله :
This study investigated the attitude of the Iranian EFL teachers and learners toward the role of critical thinking disposition in enhancing argumentative writing in the Iranian EFL context at Islamic Azad University, Kurdistan branch. Attitude plays an important role that affecting language learning, especially writing skills in an EFL context like Iran. In this descriptive study, 14 EFL teachers and 80 EFL learners both males and females were selected based on a random sampling method. The data were gathered based on a survey approach, by using the online CCTDI questionnaire. To answer the research questions of this study and uncover the attitude of EFL teachers and learners towards the treatment, the responses the to CCTDI online questionnaire were coded and analyzed. The results indicated that teachers and learners had positive attitudes towards all components of CCTDI. They represented a highly positive disposition towards truth-seeking and inquisitiveness. Results of the study revealed that of the EFL teachers and learners have a positive attitude regarding English language teaching and learning. Another finding of the study was that, having favorable perspective toward English did not enhance their proficiency in learning English. It is hoped that the findings of this study help teacher and learners learn about critical thinking principles they will apply prudent judgment, challenge the improbable, pursue difficulties, establish alternatives, use tactics, consider alternative perspectives, and attempt to be objective.
This study investigated the attitude of the Iranian EFL teachers and learners toward the role of critical thinking disposition in enhancing argumentative writing in the Iranian EFL context at Islamic Azad University, Kurdistan branch. Attitude plays an important role that affecting language learning, especially writing skills in an EFL context like Iran. In this descriptive study, 14 EFL teachers and 80 EFL learners both males and females were selected based on a random sampling method. The data were gathered based on a survey approach, by using the online CCTDI questionnaire. To answer the research questions of this study and uncover the attitude of EFL teachers and learners towards the treatment, the responses the to CCTDI online questionnaire were coded and analyzed. The results indicated that teachers and learners had positive attitudes towards all components of CCTDI. They represented a highly positive disposition towards truth-seeking and inquisitiveness. Results of the study revealed that of the EFL teachers and learners have a positive attitude regarding English language teaching and learning. Another finding of the study was that, having favorable perspective toward English did not enhance their proficiency in learning English. It is hoped that the findings of this study help teacher and learners learn about critical thinking principles they will apply prudent judgment, challenge the improbable, pursue difficulties, establish alternatives, use tactics, consider alternative perspectives, and attempt to be objective.
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