Ecological Design of Urban Landscape
محورهای موضوعی : Space Ontology International Journal
1 - M.U.D., Faculty of Archietecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch ,Islamic Azad University , Gazvin, Iran
کلید واژه: urban landscape, Urban ecology, Ecological Urban Landscape,
چکیده مقاله :
Paying attention to the spatial placement of the elements (man-made or natural) based on the landscape pattern and ecological processes in urban design would have a considerable impact on both human and the nature. In a way that the discords in the placement of patchs in respect to each other, or in respect to visual corridors and urban matrixes lead to the unwanted results in the cities. The effect of such discords can be seen in continental changes, loss of energy (increase in the consumption of fossil energies), etc. Aim of this study is to design a city based on the recognition of relationships between the patches and corridors and natural/ artificial matrixes; also, introduction and the design method based on the fundamental urban landscape guidelines which is done with a qualitative approach in the form of library research and identification of the situation, size and other elements of patches, corridors and matrixes by using aerial-photos and GIS maps. Based on this, the research compilation process is in a way that first discusses the importance of this subject and the design methods in this study and different suggested methods in the field of ecological urban landscape design and explores Iranian and worldwide experimentations on the subject by presenting new solutions like the placement of the artificial and natural patch and corridors, matrixes, e.g, designing beach parks across the rivers to protect and maintain the natural corridor, preservation of green patches as the urban-parks, etc. The author hopes that presented solutions of this research in the field of design, would help to solve the mentioned issues and problems regardless of its minor delineation.
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