Joint Inspecting Interval Optimization and Redundancy Allocation Problem Optimization for Cold-Standby Systems with Non-Identical Components
محورهای موضوعی : نشریه بینالمللی هوش تصمیم
1 - Department of Information Systems & Analytics, Farmer School of Business, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, United States of America
کلید واژه: Redundancy allocation problem, Periodic inspection, Inspection interval, Transition probabilities, Standby configuration, Markov theory,
چکیده مقاله :
In this paper, we study a redundancy allocation problem. The investigated problem has a system with s serially connected subsystems, which are under periodic inspection. In each subsystem, component failures are diagnosed by a perfect switching system, and the first component on the standby queue starts working as a replacement for the failed component. . The failures of the components are detected at inspection. The failed component(s) will be repaired during the next inspection interval and added to the standby queue. The subsystems can be in different states depending on their working component and the order of the components on the standby queue. We present an approach to calculate the subsystems-states transition probabilities. We used a two-phase approach to minimize the system cost. In the first phase, we minimize the subsystem's expected total cost by determining the optimal number of components and the optimal subsystem's inspection intervals. The expected total cost consists of downtime, repair, and inspection costs of the subsystems per unit time. Then, in the second phase, we determine the optimum allocated components to each subsystem under some constraints to find the optimal system inspection cost per unit time
In this paper, we study a redundancy allocation problem. The investigated problem has a system with s serially connected subsystems, which are under periodic inspection. In each subsystem, component failures are diagnosed by a perfect switching system, and the first component on the standby queue starts working as a replacement for the failed component. . The failures of the components are detected at inspection. The failed component(s) will be repaired during the next inspection interval and added to the standby queue. The subsystems can be in different states depending on their working component and the order of the components on the standby queue. We present an approach to calculate the subsystems-states transition probabilities. We used a two-phase approach to minimize the system cost. In the first phase, we minimize the subsystem's expected total cost by determining the optimal number of components and the optimal subsystem's inspection intervals. The expected total cost consists of downtime, repair, and inspection costs of the subsystems per unit time. Then, in the second phase, we determine the optimum allocated components to each subsystem under some constraints to find the optimal system inspection cost per unit time
International Journal of Decision Inelligence
Vol 1, Issue 1, Winter 2024 , 35-47
Joint Inspecting Interval Optimization and Redundancy Allocation Problem Optimization for Cold-Standby Systems with Non-Identical Components
Mani Sharifi
Department of Information Systems & Analytics, Farmer School of Business, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, United States of America
Received 15 October 2022; Accepted 28 December 2022
In this paper, we study a redundancy allocation problem. The investigated problem has a system with serially connected subsystems, which are under periodic inspection. Each subsystem has a 1-out-of-n cold-standby configuration with non-identical components. In each subsystem, component failures are diagnosed by a perfect switching system, and the first component on the standby queue starts working as a replacement for the failed component. This procedure will be continued until the last standby component gets in the service and fails during an inspection interval. The failures of the components are detected at inspection. The failed component(s) will be repaired during the next inspection interval and added to the standby queue. The subsystems can be in different states depending on their working component and the order of the components on the standby queue. We present an approach to calculate the subsystems-states transition probabilities. We minimize the subsystem's expected total cost by determining the optimal number of components and the optimal subsystem's inspection intervals. The expected total cost consists of downtime, repair, and inspection costs of the subsystems per unit time. Then, we determine the optimum allocated components to each subsystem under some constraints to find the optimal system inspection cost per unit time.
Keywords: Redundancy allocation problem, Periodic inspection, Inspection interval, Transition probabilities, Standby configuration, Markov theory.
Redundancy allocation problem (RAP) and inspection interval optimization (IIO) are two important issues in production systems. Long inspection intervals will increase the System's failure cost, while short intervals will increase the System's inspection cost. Therefore, obtaining optimal inspection intervals is a cost-effective policy (Sharifi & Taghipour,2022). Determining the optimal configuration of the components inside a manufacturing system is another important issue that can improve system reliability. RAP is a well-known problem in reliability engineering (Sharifi & Sayyad, 2022)
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We first adopt the general formulas to calculate the subsystems' reliability. Next, we optimize the duration of the inspection interval and the System's configuration simultaneously, using a two-stage approach. In the first stage, we optimize the inspection interval of the components in each subsystem. In the second stage, considering the results of the first stage, we optimize the subsystem's reliability in terms of the redundant components in each subsystem.
In terms of inspection interval optimization, Taghipour et al., (2010) presented a model to find the optimal inspection intervals for complex repairable systems with two types of failure. A recursive approach was used to calculate the failure probability in every interval and expected downtimes. Nourelfath et al., (2012) considered a series-parallel system with imperfect preventive maintenance. A Markov process and a Universal Generating Function (UGF) algorithm were used to evaluate the System's availability and cost function. The entire solution space was initially partitioned into a set of subspaces, then Genetic Algorithms (GA) were used to select the best subspace and solution. In this study, the components' repair time was ignored in the proposed model to simplify it.
Mendes et al., (2014) developed a set of reliability formulas using conditional probabilities. The considered System has four different configurations, and the objective was to find the optimal inspection intervals. These configurations included an active redundancy system with non-repairable components, an active redundancy system with repairable components, a cold-standby redundant system with non-repairable components, and a cold-standby redundant System with repairable components. Conditional probabilities were also used to find the System's states probabilities. Due to the computational complexity of the developed models, systems with only two or three components were considered. Mendes et al., (2017) extended their previous work and used discrete-time Markov chains to define the transition probabilities of different system states. The optimal interval between inspections was obtained for multi-state redundant systems, considering the availability and costs of maintenance and production. Taghipour and Kassaei (2015) worked on a k-out-of-n load-sharing system with identical components. They assumed that the load of the failed component was distributed to the remaining components. In their model, the System is inspected periodically, and based on the number of failed components, they considered two different cases and developed a model to find the optimal inspection interval Their model aimed to minimize the total System expected cost. A simulation algorithm was presented to find the expected values in the objective function. Zhao and Nakagawa (2015) proposed three new inspection models. For each model, the total expected inspection and downtime costs were calculated, and the optimal policies that minimize the calculated costs were derived.
Zhao et al., (2016) compared periodic times and repair numbers for different policies in a replacement problem and presented a modified replacement model. Rezaei (2015) proposed a new reliability model by considering minimal and perfect repairs and optimizing the System's inspection interval. He considered a repairable system that consists of a rotor and filter with failure interactions. Huang et al., (2018) presented an advanced Bayesian analysis to determine appropriate non-periodic inspection intervals of fatigue-sensitive structures. He used the Bayesian approach to calculate the probability density function of the uncertain parameters and estimated the system reliability accurately, even with some uncertain parameters. The considered System contained a specific number of elements at only one fatigue-critical location. Yeh et al., (2019) modeled the failures and repairs as a continuous-time Markov chain to calculate the system reliability for the production systems with underlying serial structures. They optimized the redundancy and the frequency of inspection and maintenance tasks to maximize the System's profit.
Sharifi and Taghipour (2020) optimized a k-out-of-n System's inspection interval with non-identical components and a cold-standby configuration. They used a new method to optimize the System's inspection interval over a finite time horizon. Sharifi et al., (2021) optimized the inspection interval of a k-out-of-n system with load-sharing identical components whit a mixed redundancy strategy for deploying the components. Later, they extended their work by considering a condition-based approach to optimize the System's inspection interval (Sharifi et al., 2022)
In terms of RAP, different studies have been conducted by considering different assumptions (Teimouri & et al., 2016; Khorshidi & et al., 2016; Sharifi & et al., 2016; Gholinezhad & et al., 2017; Kim & Kim, 2016; Mellal & Salhi, 2021; Sharifi & et al., 2018; Kim, 2018; Sharifi & et al, 2019; Yeh, 2018; Huang & et al., 2019; Ouyang & et al., 2018; Sharifi & et al., 2019; Mousavi & et al.,2019; Hadipour & et al., 2019; Pourkarim & et al., 2018; Zaretalab & et al 2020; Wang & et al., 2020; Yeh, 2021; Chambari & et al., 2021; Zaretalab & et al., 2022; Reihaneh & et al., 2021)
This paper fills the gap in the current literature by considering repair action for systems with non-identical equipment/components. In this paper, we focus on a system with serially connected subsystems. The subsystems act like one of the systems presented by Mendes et al., (2014) and we extend the general formula and calculate transition probabilities between different subsystems-states based on Markov theory. The subsystems are 1-out-of-n and contain non-identical components. We consider a periodic inspection problem for the subsystems. The failure of the operating components is only detected at inspection unless the last component fails and there is no standby component, and the subsystem shuts down. We find the optimal allocated components to each subsystem and optimal inspection interval for each subsystem to minimize total system inspection cost per unit time (ICPT).
We organize the contents of this paper as follows: an introduction to the problem along with a discussion of the related work is addressed in Section 1. In Section 2, we define the configuration and assumptions of the subsystem and discuss the proposed approach for calculating the transition probabilities. Section 3 deals with the calculation of cost matrixes. In this section, we also provide details about the calculation method of optimal inspection intervals for the subsystems. In Section 4, we present the redundancy allocation problem as well as some numerical examples to demonstrate the usefulness of the offered model. Lastly, Section 6 presents our conclusions and highlights some directions for further studies.
2.Systems Description and Transition Probabilities Formulation
For a system with the configuration described in Section 1, we first define the system states at the beginning of each inspection interval. Then we present a state-space diagram, as well as an exact formula for calculating the transition probabilities between all the states, , in which
is the system state at the beginning of the inspection interval and
is the system state at the end of the inspection interval with the related transition matrix. The formulas for the transition probabilities are easy to calculate for any number of components, n, in the System. The system assumptions are presented in Section 2-1, and the transition probabilities formulating procedure.
The system assumptions are as follows:
· The System is 1-out-of-n with n non-identical components,
· The failure of each component is independent of other components,
· The failure rate of the components is constant; therefore, the lifetime of the components follows an exponential distribution, and
· The failure rate of the th component is equal to
According to the above-mentioned assumptions, the working probability of a component during the inspection interval by duration is equal to
, and its probability of failure is equal to
2.2.System Configurations and Transition Probabilities
In this part, we first discuss the transition probabilities and transition matrix. Then, we present the transition probabilities formulas of the System.
2.2.1.Transition Probabilities and Rransition Matrix
In the presented problem, the working component and the order of the components on the standby queue at the beginning of an inspection interval are considered the system state. In the rest of the paper, when we use the term "inspection interval," we refer to the beginning of the inspection interval. After defining system states, the main objective is to calculate the transition probabilities between different system states during the inspection interval. The transition matrix in this problem is a matrix whose elements are the system transition probabilities.
2.2.2.Subsystems-States Transition Probabilities
In the investigated System (subsystems), one component works at the start of the inspection time interval by duration, and other components are in the standby queue. During the inspection interval, a standby component starts working using a perfect switch after the failure of a working component. The failed component at inspection intervals is observed, and the failed component is repaired during the next inspection interval. The repaired component is then added to the System at the end of the next inspection interval, and the new component is placed at the end of the standby components queue. We consider that component repair time is less than the inspection interval. After the System's failure (i.e., all its components fail), the system failure will be detected at the end of the inspection interval. In this case, all failed components will be repaired during the next inspection interval, and the System will start working at the end of that interval. Figure 1 is the schematic operation of System III with three components.
Fig. 1: Schematic operation of System III
In this model, each state is defined by an ordered pair such as in which
is the working component and
is the total number of components that are not failed (working and standby components). The reachable states from the state
can be determined using Equations (1-3) as follows:
(1) |
(2) |
In equations (1) to (3), is the number of failed components during an inspection interval, and
is the state where the System stops working. The transition matrix for this System has
rows and columns. Let's assume in this matrix first row and column belong to the state
, the second row and column belong to the state
, …, row and column
belong to the state
and the last row and column belong to the state that the System fails
. So, in the transition matrix, the state
is addressed to row and column number
. We can calculate all elements of the transition matrix as follows:
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
and for calculating the last row the transition matrix, we can use Equations (10) and (11) as follows:
| (10) |
| (11) |
3.Cost Functions and Inspection Interval Optimization
We consider four different costs based on the system states at the beginning and the end of each inspection interval, which can be defined as follows are provided in reference (Huang, 2018).
3.1.System Cost
The investigated System (subsystems) has a standby configuration with the component repair during the next inspection interval. The cost matrix has rows and columns. The cost function for each inspection interval depends on the system state at the beginning of that interval and define as follows:
· Rule 1: If, at the beginning of an interval, the System is in state , it means that
components fail during the previous interval, and the failed components are repaired during the present interval.
Rule 1-1: If during this interval less than k components fail, the System still is in working condition, and the system cost is equal to .
Rule 1-2: and if all components fail during this inspection interval, the System fails, and we have system downtime. In this condition and at the end of the inspection interval, we do not have any available (repaired) component, and the System moves to state
. The System's downtime is equal
and the system cost in this condition is equal to
Rule 1-3: If and all components fail during this inspection interval, the System fails, and we have system downtime. The System's downtime is equal
and the system cost in this condition is equal to
· Rule 2: If the System starts working (i.e., it's all components are working) and then fails during the previous inspection interval, at the current inspection interval, all failed components will be repaired, and the System starts working at the end of the present inspection interval. So, the system cost in this condition is equal to .
Therefore, the system cost is calculated as presented in Equations (12-15).
(12) |
(13) |
(14) |
| (15) |
The cost matrix is a matrix in which its elements are system state cost.
3.2.Inspection Interval Calculation
Assume that the system mission horizon is equal to . If we plan to inspect the System each
time interval, the number of inspections during the System's mission horizon is calculated as presented in Equation (16).
(16) |
Assuming is a
dimensional matrix in which
is the probability that the System is in state
at the beginning of the
rd inspection interval when each inspection interval is equal to
. So, we have:
| (17) |
(18) |
Consider that:
(19) |
In which and
are the
element of
(transition matrix) and
(cost matrix), respectively.
represents each inspection interval cost, if the System starts from state
at the beginning of the inspection interval. So, the total present worth of the system cost is equal to:
(20) |
In equation (20), is the daily interest rate and
calculates the present worth of
rd interval cost. The inspection cost per unit time (ICPT) is equal:
(21) |
In equation (30), is the purchasing price of component number
4.Redundancy Allocation Problem
The redundancy allocation problem is one of the most practical problems in reliability, as presented by Fyffe et al. [38] in 1968. This problem aims to maximize system reliability under system cost and weight constraints. In this section, we present a redundancy allocation problem with parallel subsystems. The subsystems are under periodic inspection under the assumption presented in Section 2. The presented problem aims to minimize system inspection cost per unit time (ICPT). The decision variable in this problem is the number of allocated components to each subsystem among different available components. We consider that a limited budget is available to purchase the initial components at the beginning of the System's mission horizon. The mathematical problem is presented as follows:
(22) |
(23) |
(24) |
(25) |
(26) |
| (27) |
| (28) |
For calculating the values of , for the subsystems, we consider all combinations and for each combination, the value of
can be calculated by using the procedure presented in section 4-1.
4.1.Numerical Example for Inspection Interval Optimization
To demonstrate the usefulness of the presented formulas in calculating the transition and cost matrices, we consider a system with 3 components and calculate the transition and cost matrixes using the related Equations. Next, we consider a system with different components and calculate the best inspection interval and system cost. In this System, the mission horizon is 3650 days (10 years) and ,
. Also, the failure rate and the purchasing price of components are calculated as follows:
| (29) |
| (30) |
We calculate the optimum system ICPT and the optimum inspection interval for two examples as follows:
1. Example 1: monthly interest rate , the component purchasing cost is not considered.
2. Example 2: monthly interest rate , the component purchasing cost is considered.
Table 1
contains the optimal ICPT, inspection interval (days) and the number of inspections during the System's horizon (10 years) for the two examples. The ICPT of both examples is presented in figure 2.
Component number |
| Example 1 |
| Example 2 | ||||
| Number of inspections | Inspection interval (Days) | ICPT |
| Number of inspections | Inspection interval (Days) | ICPT | |
1 |
| 1216 | 3 | 136.7990 |
| 1216 | 3 | 118.4917 |
2 |
| 456 | 8 | 43.9619 |
| 521 | 7 | 42.5546 |
3 |
| 260 | 14 | 23.9892 |
| 260 | 14 | 24.8250 |
4 |
| 173 | 21 | 16.9181 |
| 173 | 21 | 18.6641 |
5 |
| 125 | 29 | 13.7440 |
| 130 | 28 | 16.1279 |
6 |
| 110 | 33 | 12.0695 |
| 110 | 33 | 14.9851 |
7 |
| 86 | 42 | 11.1296 |
| 86 | 42 | 14.5566 |
8 |
| 82 | 44 | 10.5648 |
| 82 | 44 | 14.4552 |
9 |
| 68 | 53 | 10.2258 |
| 68 | 53 | 14.5757 |
10 |
| 62 | 58 | 10.0257 |
| 62 | 58 | 14.8094 |
Fig. 2. Optimal ICPT for two examples.
As we expected, when we do not consider the component's purchasing price, by increasing the system components, the system ICPT decreases. The system reliability during each inspection interval depends on the number of components in the System, and when we do not spend any money on purchasing the components, the System applies more components (as it is available). But, if we consider the components purchasing price (as in example 2), the System with 8 components has a better ICPT compared to the System with more or fewer components.
4.2.A Numerical Example of the Redundancy Allocation Problem
We consider a system with 7 subsystems, which are under periodic inspection. We consider that for each subsystem, five different components type are available to allocate. So, the total combinations of components are equal to . The other subsystem parameters are presented in Table 2.
For calculating the failure rate of each component in all subsystems, we used Equation (29), and for calculating the weight of each component in all subsystems, we used equation (31) as follow:
| (31) |
Table 2
Initial parameters for the presented example.
Subsystem-1 | 2000 | 200 | 200 | 1000 | 500 | 0.015 | 40 |
Subsystem-2 | 1250 | 200 | 150 | 750 | 350 | 0.025 | 25 |
Subsystem-3 | 1000 | 200 | 250 | 1250 | 550 | 0.015 | 40 |
Subsystem-4 | 1500 | 200 | 120 | 1150 | 450 | 0.035 | 20 |
Subsystem-5 | 2000 | 200 | 100 | 1500 | 650 | 0.015 | 45 |
Subsystem-6 | 1500 | 200 | 125 | 1100 | 450 | 0.030 | 25 |
Subsystem-7 | 1250 | 200 | 150 | 850 | 550 | 0.010 | 15 |
For each subsystem with the parameters presented in Table 2, we first calculate the subsystem ICPT using the procedure presented in sections 4-1. The results for ICPTs are presented in Table 3. Also, the weight and initial cost of each combination for each subsystem are calculated and presented in Tables 4 and 5 consequently. In these tables, the first column represents the subsystems combination index , and the second column defines the combinations of the components.
Table 3
Subsystems ICPT for all component combinations.
Combination index | Components combination | Subsystem | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |||
1 | 1 | 118.4917 | 128.2100 | 130.6647 | 177.2464 | 139.0017 | 161.8461 | 92.1866 | |
2 | 2 | 133.8090 | 136.9224 | 146.4036 | 183.3865 | 157.2757 | 174.0635 | 110.1055 | |
3 | 3 | 146.1139 | 145.3955 | 161.7002 | 189.4396 | 175.0361 | 181.6412 | 126.0866 | |
4 | 4 | 158.0770 | 153.6388 | 176.5720 | 195.4075 | 184.3680 | 187.4915 | 137.4979 | |
5 | 5 | 169.7119 | 161.6610 | 176.5583 | 201.2917 | 192.6977 | 193.2595 | 147.9211 | |
6 | 12 | 42.5546 | 49.9217 | 45.6637 | 67.9935 | 46.5575 | 61.7714 | 31.6539 | |
7 | 13 | 45.3651 | 52.2267 | 48.9351 | 70.2001 | 49.6016 | 64.5101 | 34.4636 | |
8 | 14 | 48.0082 | 54.4186 | 51.5328 | 72.3323 | 52.5122 | 66.6076 | 36.9005 | |
9 | 15 | 50.0473 | 56.4391 | 53.9960 | 74.3971 | 54.8076 | 68.4053 | 38.8176 | |
10 | 23 | 49.7679 | 55.4614 | 53.6446 | 73.0416 | 54.3447 | 67.3416 | 39.2655 | |
11 | 24 | 52.4662 | 57.6268 | 56.8730 | 75.4293 | 57.1191 | 69.4709 | 42.0474 | |
12 | 25 | 55.0214 | 59.5025 | 59.2937 | 77.7402 | 59.7867 | 71.5268 | 44.2874 | |
13 | 34 | 56.5525 | 60.2656 | 60.8009 | 78.4093 | 61.2642 | 72.2169 | 46.0283 | |
14 | 35 | 58.9934 | 62.4010 | 63.7617 | 80.9558 | 64.3336 | 74.5197 | 48.6406 | |
15 | 45 | 62.3576 | 65.1560 | 67.9637 | 83.2105 | 67.4766 | 77.3977 | 52.0807 | |
16 | 123 | 24.8250 | 29.2493 | 26.1192 | 38.7629 | 25.2865 | 35.1090 | 18.0584 | |
17 | 124 | 25.7650 | 30.1345 | 27.2324 | 39.7270 | 26.2836 | 36.1028 | 18.9258 | |
18 | 125 | 26.6120 | 30.9595 | 28.1229 | 40.5705 | 27.0752 | 36.8579 | 19.6794 | |
19 | 134 | 27.1676 | 31.2825 | 28.6846 | 40.7984 | 27.5576 | 37.1318 | 20.2543 | |
20 | 135 | 28.0319 | 32.0592 | 29.5933 | 41.5667 | 28.5136 | 37.9552 | 21.0086 | |
21 | 145 | 29.1577 | 33.0642 | 30.8823 | 42.5102 | 29.6763 | 38.9885 | 22.0485 | |
22 | 234 | 29.1786 | 32.6987 | 30.9052 | 42.0010 | 29.5605 | 38.4949 | 22.4021 | |
23 | 235 | 30.1073 | 33.5970 | 32.0603 | 42.8569 | 30.5508 | 39.4277 | 23.3009 | |
24 | 245 | 31.4236 | 34.5668 | 33.4725 | 43.9068 | 31.8120 | 40.5965 | 24.5072 | |
25 | 345 | 33.2519 | 35.8614 | 35.4694 | 45.2235 | 33.4703 | 41.7726 | 26.3927 | |
26 | 1234 | 18.6641 | 21.4247 | 19.2837 | 27.4737 | 17.8454 | 24.9413 | 13.3284 | |
27 | 1235 | 19.1104 | 21.8533 | 19.7319 | 27.9329 | 18.2602 | 25.3690 | 13.7041 | |
28 | 1245 | 19.7216 | 22.3798 | 20.3446 | 28.4068 | 18.8157 | 25.9082 14.2190 |
| |
29 | 1345 | 20.4808 | 23.0021 | 21.2654 | 28.9891 | 19.5763 | 26.6037 14.9371 |
| |
30 | 2345 | 21.7667 | 23.8864 | 22.7435 | 29.7471 | 20.7284 | 27.3964 16.2940 |
| |
31 | 12345 | 16.1279 | 17.7195 | 16.2957 | 22.1594 | 14.6947 | 20.2204 11.2684 |
Table 4
Subsystems purchasing cost for all component's combination.
Combination index | Components combination | Subsystem | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ||
1 | 1 | 2000 | 1250 | 1000 | 1500 | 2000 | 1500 | 1250 |
2 | 2 | 1950 | 1200 | 950 | 1450 | 1950 | 1450 | 1200 |
3 | 3 | 1900 | 1150 | 900 | 1400 | 1900 | 1400 | 1150 |
4 | 4 | 1850 | 1100 | 850 | 1350 | 1850 | 1350 | 1100 |
5 | 5 | 1800 | 1050 | 800 | 1300 | 1800 | 1300 | 1050 |
6 | 12 | 3950 | 2450 | 1950 | 2950 | 3950 | 2950 | 2450 |
7 | 13 | 3900 | 2400 | 1900 | 2900 | 3900 | 2900 | 2400 |
8 | 14 | 3850 | 2350 | 1850 | 2850 | 3850 | 2850 | 2350 |
9 | 15 | 3800 | 2300 | 1800 | 2800 | 3800 | 2800 | 2300 |
10 | 23 | 3850 | 2350 | 1850 | 2850 | 3850 | 2850 | 2350 |
11 | 24 | 3800 | 2300 | 1800 | 2800 | 3800 | 2800 | 2300 |
12 | 25 | 3750 | 2250 | 1750 | 2750 | 3750 | 2750 | 2250 |
13 | 34 | 3750 | 2250 | 1750 | 2750 | 3750 | 2750 | 2250 |
14 | 35 | 3700 | 2200 | 1700 | 2700 | 3700 | 2700 | 2200 |
15 | 45 | 3650 | 2150 | 1650 | 2650 | 3650 | 2650 | 2150 |
16 | 123 | 5850 | 3600 | 2850 | 4350 | 5850 | 4350 | 3600 |
17 | 124 | 5800 | 3550 | 2800 | 4300 | 5800 | 4300 | 3550 |
18 | 125 | 5750 | 3500 | 2750 | 4250 | 5750 | 4250 | 3500 |
19 | 134 | 5750 | 3500 | 2750 | 4250 | 5750 | 4250 | 3500 |
20 | 135 | 5700 | 3450 | 2700 | 4200 | 5700 | 4200 | 3450 |
21 | 145 | 5650 | 3400 | 2650 | 4150 | 5650 | 4150 | 3400 |
22 | 234 | 5700 | 3450 | 2700 | 4200 | 5700 | 4200 | 3450 |
23 | 235 | 5650 | 3400 | 2650 | 4150 | 5650 | 4150 | 3400 |
24 | 245 | 5600 | 3350 | 2600 | 4100 | 5600 | 4100 | 3350 |
25 | 345 | 5550 | 3300 | 2550 | 4050 | 5550 | 4050 | 3300 |
26 | 1234 | 7700 | 4700 | 3700 | 5700 | 7700 | 5700 | 4700 |
27 | 1235 | 7650 | 4650 | 3650 | 5650 | 7650 | 5650 | 4650 |
28 | 1245 | 7600 | 4600 | 3600 | 5600 | 7600 | 5600 | 4600 |
29 | 1345 | 7550 | 4550 | 3550 | 5550 | 7550 | 5550 | 4550 |
30 | 2345 | 7500 | 4500 | 3500 | 5500 | 7500 | 5500 | 4500 |
31 | 12345 | 9500 | 5750 | 4500 | 7000 | 9500 | 7000 | 5750 |
Table 5
subsystems weight for all component combinations.
Combination index | Components combination | Subsystem | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ||
1 | 1 | 40 | 25 | 40 | 20 | 45 | 25 | 15 |
2 | 2 | 39 | 24 | 39 | 19 | 44 | 24 | 14 |
3 | 3 | 38 | 23 | 38 | 18 | 43 | 23 | 13 |
4 | 4 | 37 | 22 | 37 | 17 | 42 | 22 | 12 |
5 | 5 | 36 | 21 | 36 | 16 | 41 | 21 | 11 |
6 | 12 | 79 | 49 | 79 | 39 | 89 | 49 | 29 |
7 | 13 | 78 | 48 | 78 | 38 | 88 | 48 | 28 |
8 | 14 | 77 | 47 | 77 | 37 | 87 | 47 | 27 |
9 | 15 | 76 | 46 | 76 | 36 | 86 | 46 | 26 |
10 | 23 | 77 | 47 | 77 | 37 | 87 | 47 | 27 |
11 | 24 | 76 | 46 | 76 | 36 | 86 | 46 | 26 |
12 | 25 | 75 | 45 | 75 | 35 | 85 | 45 | 25 |
13 | 34 | 75 | 45 | 75 | 35 | 85 | 45 | 25 |
14 | 35 | 74 | 44 | 74 | 34 | 84 | 44 | 24 |
15 | 45 | 73 | 43 | 73 | 33 | 83 | 43 | 23 |
16 | 123 | 117 | 72 | 117 | 57 | 132 | 72 | 42 |
17 | 124 | 116 | 71 | 116 | 56 | 131 | 71 | 41 |
18 | 125 | 115 | 70 | 115 | 55 | 130 | 70 | 40 |
19 | 134 | 115 | 70 | 115 | 55 | 130 | 70 | 40 |
20 | 135 | 114 | 69 | 114 | 54 | 129 | 69 | 39 |
21 | 145 | 113 | 68 | 113 | 53 | 128 | 68 | 38 |
22 | 234 | 114 | 69 | 114 | 54 | 129 | 69 | 39 |
23 | 235 | 113 | 68 | 113 | 53 | 128 | 68 | 38 |
24 | 245 | 112 | 67 | 112 | 52 | 127 | 67 | 37 |
25 | 345 | 111 | 66 | 111 | 51 | 126 | 66 | 36 |
26 | 1234 | 154 | 94 | 154 | 74 | 174 | 94 | 54 |
27 | 1235 | 153 | 93 | 153 | 73 | 173 | 93 | 53 |
28 | 1245 | 152 | 92 | 152 | 72 | 172 | 92 | 52 |
29 | 1345 | 151 | 91 | 151 | 71 | 171 | 91 | 51 |
30 | 2345 | 150 | 90 | 150 | 70 | 170 | 90 | 50 |
31 | 12345 | 190 | 115 | 190 | 90 | 215 | 115 | 65 |
We also consider that and
. Then, we solve the presented example using Lingo 11.0 software.
The optimal value for this example using a full-enumeration technique is calculated as:
| (32) |
It means that the optimal subsystems' components combinations are:
| (33) |
Also, the System's weight is equal to 24728, the system components purchasing cost is equal to 500, and the optimal system ICPT is equal to 127.7982.
5.Conclusion and Further Studies
In this paper, we worked on a redundancy allocation problem. The subsystems have standby configuration with components repair. In these subsystems, the components were non-identical and had a constant failure rate. The subsystems were under periodic inspection, and the failure of the components was detected at inspection intervals. We calculated the optimal ICPT and inspection interval for the subsystems as well as the optimal number of subsystem components. Finally, we solved the mentioned redundancy allocation problem using Lingo 11.0 software.
Since the calculation of the transition probabilities is complicated, we considered a discrete time inspection policy. For future work, the problem can be drawn near real conditions by considering the continuous time inspection model. Moreover, time-dependent failure rates can be considered.
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