The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on the Development of Metacognitive Awareness in EFL Learners' Translating in the Academic Context
محورهای موضوعی : Journal of Teaching English Language Studies
1 - Young Researchers Club, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
کلید واژه: portfolio assessment, Metacognitive awareness, Traditional assessment, Translating ability, Portfolio-based instruction,
چکیده مقاله :
A translation portfolio is a systematic collection of student's translations or reports of tasks torepresent a variety of student's achievements in the translation course over a specified period oftime. This paper aims to investigate the effect of portfolio assessment in the translatingclassroom in an attempt to examine its impact on EFL learners' metacognitive awareness. Todetermine the impact of portfolio assessment on the translation quality and metacognitiveawareness of EFL learners, 60 university students majoring in translation were initially selected.After being homogenized for their proficiency level, they were randomly divided into anexperimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). As the treatment, portfolio assessment wasemployed as the teaching technique for the experimental group. Data was then subjected todifferent statistical procedures. The results of data analysis revealed that the participants in theEG outperformed those in the CG with regard to the achievement in their overall translatingability. Second, the findings showed that experimental groups’ awareness to metacognitivestrategies significantly increased after instruction. The findings of the present study haveimplications for learners and teachers in the realm of TEFL in particular and education ingeneral. The results of the present study may have some implications for teaching of translationto EFL learners.
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