مطالعه اثر ژل آلوئه ورا بر خواص حسی و ضدمیکروبی پنیر سفید فراپالایشی
محورهای موضوعی : علوم و صنایع غذاییکژال سجادی 1 , سمیرا بهرامیان 2
1 - دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد علوم و صنایع غذایی، باشگاه پژوهشگران جوان و نخبگان، واحد سنندج، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، سنندج، ایران
2 - استادیار گروه علوم و صنایع غذایی، واحد سنندج، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، سنندج، ایران
کلید واژه: پنیر سفید فراپالایشی, ژل آلوئهورا, خواص حسی, خواص ضدمیکروب,
چکیده مقاله :
ژل آلوئه ورا حاوی مخلوطی از کربوهیدرات ها، آنزیم ها، ویتامین ها و مواد معدنی بوده و دارای خواص ضدمیکروبی و آنتی اکسیدانی می باشد. در این بررسی پس از استخراج و همگن سازی ژل آلوئه ورا، تأثیر آن در غلظت های 5/0، 1، 2، 5، 10 و 15 درصد بر طعم و جمعیت میکروبی (شمارش کلی میکروارگانیسم ها و باکتری های اسیدلاکتیک مزوفیل) و همچنین بر مهار رشد کپک پنی سیلیوم سیترینومPTCC) 5304) در پنیر سفید فراپالایشی مطالعه گردید. نتایج ارزیابی حسی نشان داد که پنیرهای تولید شده با غلظت های 5/0 و 1% ژل بیشترین پذیرش را داشتند. مقایسه تعداد کل میکروارگانیسم ها و تعداد باکتری های اسیدلاکتیک مزوفیل در پنیر مشخص نمود که در نمونه شاهد بار میکروبی کل و تعداد باکتری های لاکتیکی در ماه سوم در مقایسه با ماه اول افزایش و در نمونه های حاوی ژل طی این دوره کاهشیافته است. بهعلاوه ژل آلوئهورا در غلظت 15 درصد منجر به 3/37% مهار رشد کپک پنی سیلیوم سیترینوم در پنیر UF شد. با توجه به یافتههای مطالعه میتوان به این جمعبندی رسید که بهکارگیری غلظتهایی از ژل آلوئهورا در پنیر فراپالایشی میتواند رشد کپک پنی سیلیوم سیترینوم را کاهش دهد بدون اینکه روی خصوصیات حسی آن اثر سوء داشته باشد.
Aloe vera gel contains a blend of carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, and has antimicrobial and anti-oxidant properties. In this study, after extraction and homogenization of Aloe vera gel, the effect of various concentrations (0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 15%) of the gel was investigated on flavor microbial flora (total microbial count and mesophilic lactic acid bacteria) and also its inhibitory effect on Penicillium citrinum (PTCC 5304) in cheese. Results of sensory evaluation showed that cheeses produced with the concentrations of 0.5 and 1% gel had the highest acceptance. Moreover, it was revealed that in the control sample the number of total count and lactic acid bacteria increased in from 1 to 3 months of storage; meanwhile in the gel-containing samples the microbial populations reduced during the same period.In addition, Aloe vera gel at the concentration of 15% caused 37.3% inhibition of P. citrinum in. It was concluded that some concentration of Aloe vera gel could retard the growth of P. citrinum without sensory defects.
- · Ahlawat, K.S. and Khatkar, B.S. (2011). Processing, food applications and safety of aloe vera products: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48: 525-533.
- · Akrami Mohajeri, F., Misaghi, A., Akhondzadeh, A., Gheisari, H.R., Khosravi, A.R., Gandomi, H., Ebrahimnejad, H. (2012). Growth inhibition and morphological alterations to Penicellium citrinium in response to Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil. Journal of Veterinary Research, 67 (4): 307-312 [In Persian].
- · Alborzi, S., Karbasi, A. (2005). Fungal contamination in UF cheese factory. Iranian Journal of Diseases and Tropical Medicine, 10 (28): 15-18 [In Persian].
- · Atazadeh, R., Karim, G., Hesari, J., Hanifian, S. (2012). Effect of attenuated Lactobacillus plantarum as adjunct starter on lipolysis and organoleptic characteristics of UF white cheese. Journal of Food Hygiene, 2 (3): 15-27 [In Persian].
- · Beigomi, M., Ghods Rohani, M., Mohammadifar, M.A., Hashemi, M., Valizadeh, M., Ghanati, K. (2013). Comparison of textural and sensory characteristics of ultrafiltrated white cheese produced by paneer bad (Withania coagulans) protease and fungal rennet. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology, 8 (1): 253-262 [In Persian].
- · Castillo, S., Navarro, D., Zapata, P.J., Guillen, F. and Valero, D. (2010). Antifungal efficacy of Aloe vera in vitro and its use as a preharvest treatment to maintain postharvest table grape quality. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 57: 183-188.
- · Chang, X.L., Wang, C.H., Feng, Y. and Liu, Z.H. (2006). Effects of heat treatments on the stabilities of polysaccharides substances and barbaloin in gel juice from Aloe vera miller. Journal of Food Engineering, 75: 245-251.
- · Choi, S. and Chung, M. (2003). A review on the relationship between Aloe vera components and their biologic effects. Seminars in Integrative Medicine, 1: 53-62.
- · Elsie, Y.L.C., Amrita, S., Jayaram, J., Thu, T.K.L., Nguyen, T.N., Huong, T.M.H., Jutta, Z., Nidhi, B. and Mark, S.T. (2014). Isolation of lactic acid bacteria with antifungal activity against the common cheese spoilage mould Penicillium commune and their potential as biopreservatives in cheese. Food Control, 46: 91-97.
- · Emamifar, A. (2015). Evaluation of Aloe vera gel effect as an edible coating on microbial, physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of fresh strawberry during storage. New Food Technologies, 6: 15-29 [In Persian].
- · Gammariello, D., Di Giulio, S., Conte, A. and Del Nobile, M.A. (2008). Effects of natural compounds on microbial safety and sensory quality of Fior di Latte cheese, a typical Italian cheese. Journal of Dairy Science, 91:4138-4146.
- · Gandomi, H., Misaghi, A., Akhondzadeh Basti, A., Bokaei, S., Khosravi, A., Abbasifar, A. et al., (2009). Effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on growth and aflatoxin formation by Aspergillus flavus in culture media and cheese. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47 (10): 2397- 2400.
- · Gandomi Nasrabadi, H., Misaghi, A., Akhoundzadeh Basti, A., Khosravi, A.R., Bokaei, S. and Abbasifar, A. (2008). Effects of Zataria multiflora boiss. essential oil on Aspergillus flavus. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 7 (27): 45-51 [In Persian].
- · Grindley, D. and Reynolds, T. (1986). The Aloe Vera phenomenon: A review of the properties and modern uses of the leaf parenchyma gel. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 16: 117-151.
- · Habeeb, F., Shakir, E., Bradbury, F., Cameron, P., Taravati, M.R., Drummond, A.J., Gray, A.I. and Ferro, V.A. (2007). Screening methods used to determine the anti-microbial properties of Aloe vera inner gel. Methods, 42(4): 315-320.
- · Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. (1999). Enumeration Of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria in food stuffs- colony count technique at 30°C. 1st. Edition, ISIRI No. 4721 [In Persian].
- · Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. (2015). Microbiology of the food chain- Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms-Part 1: Colony count at 30°C by the pour plate technique. 1st. Edition, ISIRI No. 5272-1 [In Persian].
- · Jasso, R., Hernandez, C., Rodriguez, G. and Angulo, S. (2005). Antifungal activity in vitro of Aloe vera pulp and liquid fraction against plant pathogenic fungi. Industrial Crops and Products, 21: 81-87.
- · Josias, H.H. (2008). Composition and application of Aloe vera leaf gel. Molecules, 13: 1599-1616.
- · Karami, M., Ehsani, M.R., Mousavi, S.M., Rezaei, K. and Safari, M. (2009). Changes in the rheological properties of Iranian UF-Feta cheese during ripening. Food Chemistry, 112: 539-544.
- · Libran, C.M., Moro, A., Zalacain, A., Molina, A., Carmona, M. and Berruga, M.I. (2013). Potential application of aromatic plant extracts to prevent cheese blowing. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 29:1179–1188
- · Martínez-Romero, D., Alburquerque, N., Valverde, J.M., Guillén, F., Castillo, S., Valero, D. and Serrano, M. (2006). Postharvest sweet cherry quality and safety maintenance by Aloe vera treatment: a new edible coating. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 39: 93-100.
- · Mohammadi, K., Karim, G., Hanifian, S., Tarinejad, A., Gasemnezhad, R. (2011). Antimicrobial effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on Escherichia coli O157:H7 during manufacture and ripening of white brined cheese. Journal of Food Hygiene, 1 (2): 69-78 [In Persian].
- · Mohebbi, M., Alizadeh Behbahani, B., Ansarifar, E., Noshad, M. (2015). Antimicrobial Effect of Aloe vera and chitosan “in vitro study”. Iranian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, 19 (67): 21-29 [In Persian].
- · Navarro, D., Diaz-Mula, H.M., Guillen, F., Zapata, P.J., Castillo, S., Serrano, M., Valero, D. and Martinez-Romero, D. (2011). Reduction of nectarine decay caused by Rhizopus stolonifer, Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium digitatum with Aloe vera gel alone or with the addition of thymol. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 151(2): 241-246.
- · Antifungal natural products. Molecules, 19: 2925-2956.
- · Ostowar, S., Bahramian, S. and Salehi, R. (2014). Effect of essential oil of Pistacia atlantica subsp. Kurdica gum on growth of Penicillium citrinum and organoleptic properties of UF-cheese. Journal of Food Hygiene, 4 (14): 39-46 [In Persian].
- · Parmjit, S.P. and Chetan, S. (2012). Effect of storage on synersis, pH, Lactobacillus acidophilus count, Bifidobacterium bifidum count of Aloe vera fortified probiotic yoghurt. Current Research in Dairy Sciences, 1(4): 17-23.
- · Poste, L.M., Mackie, D.A., Butler, G. and Larmond, E. (1991). Laboratory methods for sensory analysis of food. Canada Communication Group-Publishing Centre, Ottawa, Canada.
- · Uzma, S., Nusrat, H. and Jawed, N. (2011). Antifungal activity of Aloe vera gel against plant pathogenic fungi. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, 43(4): 2231-2233.
- · Valverde, J. M., Valero, D., Martínez-Romero, D., Guillén, F., Castillo, S and Serrano, M. (2005). Novel edible coating based on Aloe vera gel to maintain table grape quality and safety. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53: 7807-7813.
- · Wehr, H.M. and Frank, J.F. (2004). Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products. American Public Health Association, Washington DC, pp. 263-264.
- · Xu, B.J., Xja, X.Q., Gu, L.J. and Sang, C.K. (2006). Review on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the mycotoxin citrinin. Food Control, 17: 271-285.
- · Yoltana, S. and Golan, R.B. (1995). Aloe vera gel activity against plant pathogenic fungi. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 6: 159-163
- · Ahlawat, K.S. and Khatkar, B.S. (2011). Processing, food applications and safety of aloe vera products: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48: 525-533.
- · Akrami Mohajeri, F., Misaghi, A., Akhondzadeh, A., Gheisari, H.R., Khosravi, A.R., Gandomi, H., Ebrahimnejad, H. (2012). Growth inhibition and morphological alterations to Penicellium citrinium in response to Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil. Journal of Veterinary Research, 67 (4): 307-312 [In Persian].
- · Alborzi, S., Karbasi, A. (2005). Fungal contamination in UF cheese factory. Iranian Journal of Diseases and Tropical Medicine, 10 (28): 15-18 [In Persian].
- · Atazadeh, R., Karim, G., Hesari, J., Hanifian, S. (2012). Effect of attenuated Lactobacillus plantarum as adjunct starter on lipolysis and organoleptic characteristics of UF white cheese. Journal of Food Hygiene, 2 (3): 15-27 [In Persian].
- · Beigomi, M., Ghods Rohani, M., Mohammadifar, M.A., Hashemi, M., Valizadeh, M., Ghanati, K. (2013). Comparison of textural and sensory characteristics of ultrafiltrated white cheese produced by paneer bad (Withania coagulans) protease and fungal rennet. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology, 8 (1): 253-262 [In Persian].
- · Castillo, S., Navarro, D., Zapata, P.J., Guillen, F. and Valero, D. (2010). Antifungal efficacy of Aloe vera in vitro and its use as a preharvest treatment to maintain postharvest table grape quality. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 57: 183-188.
- · Chang, X.L., Wang, C.H., Feng, Y. and Liu, Z.H. (2006). Effects of heat treatments on the stabilities of polysaccharides substances and barbaloin in gel juice from Aloe vera miller. Journal of Food Engineering, 75: 245-251.
- · Choi, S. and Chung, M. (2003). A review on the relationship between Aloe vera components and their biologic effects. Seminars in Integrative Medicine, 1: 53-62.
- · Elsie, Y.L.C., Amrita, S., Jayaram, J., Thu, T.K.L., Nguyen, T.N., Huong, T.M.H., Jutta, Z., Nidhi, B. and Mark, S.T. (2014). Isolation of lactic acid bacteria with antifungal activity against the common cheese spoilage mould Penicillium commune and their potential as biopreservatives in cheese. Food Control, 46: 91-97.
- · Emamifar, A. (2015). Evaluation of Aloe vera gel effect as an edible coating on microbial, physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of fresh strawberry during storage. New Food Technologies, 6: 15-29 [In Persian].
- · Gammariello, D., Di Giulio, S., Conte, A. and Del Nobile, M.A. (2008). Effects of natural compounds on microbial safety and sensory quality of Fior di Latte cheese, a typical Italian cheese. Journal of Dairy Science, 91:4138-4146.
- · Gandomi, H., Misaghi, A., Akhondzadeh Basti, A., Bokaei, S., Khosravi, A., Abbasifar, A. et al., (2009). Effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on growth and aflatoxin formation by Aspergillus flavus in culture media and cheese. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47 (10): 2397- 2400.
- · Gandomi Nasrabadi, H., Misaghi, A., Akhoundzadeh Basti, A., Khosravi, A.R., Bokaei, S. and Abbasifar, A. (2008). Effects of Zataria multiflora boiss. essential oil on Aspergillus flavus. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 7 (27): 45-51 [In Persian].
- · Grindley, D. and Reynolds, T. (1986). The Aloe Vera phenomenon: A review of the properties and modern uses of the leaf parenchyma gel. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 16: 117-151.
- · Habeeb, F., Shakir, E., Bradbury, F., Cameron, P., Taravati, M.R., Drummond, A.J., Gray, A.I. and Ferro, V.A. (2007). Screening methods used to determine the anti-microbial properties of Aloe vera inner gel. Methods, 42(4): 315-320.
- · Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. (1999). Enumeration Of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria in food stuffs- colony count technique at 30°C. 1st. Edition, ISIRI No. 4721 [In Persian].
- · Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. (2015). Microbiology of the food chain- Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms-Part 1: Colony count at 30°C by the pour plate technique. 1st. Edition, ISIRI No. 5272-1 [In Persian].
- · Jasso, R., Hernandez, C., Rodriguez, G. and Angulo, S. (2005). Antifungal activity in vitro of Aloe vera pulp and liquid fraction against plant pathogenic fungi. Industrial Crops and Products, 21: 81-87.
- · Josias, H.H. (2008). Composition and application of Aloe vera leaf gel. Molecules, 13: 1599-1616.
- · Karami, M., Ehsani, M.R., Mousavi, S.M., Rezaei, K. and Safari, M. (2009). Changes in the rheological properties of Iranian UF-Feta cheese during ripening. Food Chemistry, 112: 539-544.
- · Libran, C.M., Moro, A., Zalacain, A., Molina, A., Carmona, M. and Berruga, M.I. (2013). Potential application of aromatic plant extracts to prevent cheese blowing. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 29:1179–1188
- · Martínez-Romero, D., Alburquerque, N., Valverde, J.M., Guillén, F., Castillo, S., Valero, D. and Serrano, M. (2006). Postharvest sweet cherry quality and safety maintenance by Aloe vera treatment: a new edible coating. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 39: 93-100.
- · Mohammadi, K., Karim, G., Hanifian, S., Tarinejad, A., Gasemnezhad, R. (2011). Antimicrobial effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on Escherichia coli O157:H7 during manufacture and ripening of white brined cheese. Journal of Food Hygiene, 1 (2): 69-78 [In Persian].
- · Mohebbi, M., Alizadeh Behbahani, B., Ansarifar, E., Noshad, M. (2015). Antimicrobial Effect of Aloe vera and chitosan “in vitro study”. Iranian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, 19 (67): 21-29 [In Persian].
- · Navarro, D., Diaz-Mula, H.M., Guillen, F., Zapata, P.J., Castillo, S., Serrano, M., Valero, D. and Martinez-Romero, D. (2011). Reduction of nectarine decay caused by Rhizopus stolonifer, Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium digitatum with Aloe vera gel alone or with the addition of thymol. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 151(2): 241-246.
- · Antifungal natural products. Molecules, 19: 2925-2956.
- · Ostowar, S., Bahramian, S. and Salehi, R. (2014). Effect of essential oil of Pistacia atlantica subsp. Kurdica gum on growth of Penicillium citrinum and organoleptic properties of UF-cheese. Journal of Food Hygiene, 4 (14): 39-46 [In Persian].
- · Parmjit, S.P. and Chetan, S. (2012). Effect of storage on synersis, pH, Lactobacillus acidophilus count, Bifidobacterium bifidum count of Aloe vera fortified probiotic yoghurt. Current Research in Dairy Sciences, 1(4): 17-23.
- · Poste, L.M., Mackie, D.A., Butler, G. and Larmond, E. (1991). Laboratory methods for sensory analysis of food. Canada Communication Group-Publishing Centre, Ottawa, Canada.
- · Uzma, S., Nusrat, H. and Jawed, N. (2011). Antifungal activity of Aloe vera gel against plant pathogenic fungi. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, 43(4): 2231-2233.
- · Valverde, J. M., Valero, D., Martínez-Romero, D., Guillén, F., Castillo, S and Serrano, M. (2005). Novel edible coating based on Aloe vera gel to maintain table grape quality and safety. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53: 7807-7813.
- · Wehr, H.M. and Frank, J.F. (2004). Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products. American Public Health Association, Washington DC, pp. 263-264.
- · Xu, B.J., Xja, X.Q., Gu, L.J. and Sang, C.K. (2006). Review on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the mycotoxin citrinin. Food Control, 17: 271-285.
- · Yoltana, S. and Golan, R.B. (1995). Aloe vera gel activity against plant pathogenic fungi. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 6: 159-163