Attitudes of University Students toward English Language Education Policy in Iraqi Kurdistan
محورهای موضوعی : Research Paper
Momen Yaseen Amin
Javad Gholami
1 - Department of English Language Teaching, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
2 - Department of English Language Teaching, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
کلید واژه: attitudes, EFL, English language education, Iraqi Kurdistan, Language policy,
چکیده مقاله :
Despite widespread coverage of language policy in the literature, there has been scant research probing into English language education policy at tertiary levels in general and the higher education context of Iraqi Kurdistan in particular. The present qualitative study investigated EFL students' perceptions of English language education policy, current educational policies, and the purposes for learning in Kurdish contexts across genders and study fields. To this end, a version of Yang's (2012) questionnaire was adapted and administered to university EFL students majoring in soft and hard sciences (N=300, male 34%, female 67%) at two private and state universities in Iraqi Kurdistan. The statistical analysis of the obtained data revealed students' positive attitudes toward learning English as an international language in both soft and hard sciences. Notably, students stressed that all Iraqi Kurdish students should learn the English language in English- and Kurdish-medium classes. They also considered English competence as a significant academic accomplishment. However, some of them felt dissatisfied with the status quo of English education in their institutions. The findings of this study offer insights and recommendations for English education policymakers, administrators, and instructors at tertiary levels.
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